What Are Personal Blogs and Why Are They So Popular?

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There was once a time when people wrote and kept daily journals to record their thoughts. Some people who were slightly more famous would publish these journals as their autobiography. Now, people who want to record their thoughts write personal blogs. 

Woman wearing sunglasses and writing on a notepad with the text "the what, the why, and the how of a personal blog" written in the background

Source: Designed with Freepik

However, the modern blog is not only for the writer. It is for the reader as well. The most popular personal blogs to read help you with advice on how to lead a healthy lifestyle and how to excel at pretty much anything.

Now that you have an idea about a personal blog, let’s dig a little deeper. Read on to find out more about what a personal blog is and its overall impact. 

What Is a Personal Blog?

Blogger review concept

Source: Freepik

If you want a real-life example of what a personal blog is, you should watch the movie Julie and Julia. The role of Julia Child, a renowned chef, is portrayed by Meryl Streep. The movie goes into a timelapse and Julie Powell, who is a working woman decides to follow Julia Child’s cookbook to recreate her recipes. As she keeps cooking, she writes her experience in a blog. Personal blogs resemble Julie Powell’s blog, where people share their experience while providing something of value to their readers.

These personal blogs may discuss various topics like food, travel, mindfulness, health, and fitness. But these blogs come with a twist. Each article is written with a personal tone and usually revolves around an incident from the blogger’s life.

For instance, the post, “Tier Ranking Every Book I Read This Year Just to Feel Something” by Marija takes a new angle on being a bookworm. Her personal Blog, Inside My Library Mind, gives you a complete overview of her reading process and helps you find your favorite publication.

Why Do People WRITE Personal Blogs?

Top view of a hand writing on a notebook with a laptop in front

Source: Freepik

Writing is a cognitive process and, for most people, a form of therapy. Some people write journals, others write poetry, and yet a few people choose to write personal blogs. If you are wondering what compels people to write personal blogs, here are a few reasons they do it.

Sharing Their Life Story

When people have achieved something meaningful in their lives, they want to share their experiences with others. They share the lessons they have learned one blog at a time. These bloggers may be business people, influencers, writers, scientists, or even life coaches.

These people write modern blogs as a stepping tool for aspiring bloggers and help them make their mark in the world.

Creating A Safe Space

People write blogs because they want a safe space to share their thoughts and feelings. There are certain things that you don’t feel comfortable sharing with friends, colleagues, or even family. However, the internet is a place where you don’t know the people reading your blog.

Hence, it creates the illusion of detachment when you write your innermost feelings. Moreover, bloggers can get feedback and even advice from their readers without feeling the need to disclose their real identities.

Promoting A Lifestyle

Personal blogs help people promote their particular type of lifestyle. For instance, people who love hiking and adventures can create an adventure blog. Similarly, others who like to decorate their living spaces create home decor blogs.

Moreover, people who try to stay fit and healthy can inspire others through their fitness blogs or help them adopt better eating habits with food blogs. All these bloggers share their passions and promote their lifestyles with the general public.

Finding New Opportunities

The internet is a place where there is something for everyone. If you start blogging for yourself, you can use your blog to build a business and create a source of income. Many successful bloggers started their blogs as a hobby.

But soon these hobby blogs turned into something bigger. So, these bloggers decided to focus solely on building their blog websites, which became huge successes.

Why Do People READ Personal Blogs?

Happy woman sitting indoors at night using phone

Source: Freepik

There is a quiet pleasure in opening a blog and inhaling the smell of that fresh content. 

Ask any blog reader and they will tell you how they eagerly wait for new blog posts from their favorite writers. But what makes personal blogs so mesmerizing? 

The answer you are looking for is in the following sections. Let us go through the reasons why people continue to read personal blogs instead of binge-watching shows on streaming services. 

Staying Updated On the Latest Trends

With new technology and fads, trends are changing quicker than ever. But even if you follow all the trending social media hashtags, sometimes you can’t pinpoint the exact clothing item or style you’re looking for. That is where personal blogs come in.

They tell the reader exactly where to buy a clothing item and whether it’s worth it. For example, Leah Stallone gives an honest review of a Louis Vuitton bag on her blog as she talks about saving and finally making that purchase. 

Finding Your People

The great thing about personal blogging is that you are able to find people who think like you. Whether you want to create a beautiful blog profile or just want a place to read some juicy gossip, personal blogs have everything on hand.

You can find people who love traveling, journaling, shopping, reading, and even those who love to be open about cosmetic surgery. When you find your community, you become more confident and face the world with new vigor. 

Getting Sound Advice

It is hard to achieve one’s personal goals while balancing a career and family. Some people learn to balance things on their own whereas others need a little help. For those who need help, the personal blog provides real-life advice from the blogger’s unique experience.

Each blog helps people navigate their lives with ease. For instance, mothers who struggle with finding their style or new recipes for their children can go through personal blogs on motherhood like Scary Mommy or Wellness Mama.

Learning Mindfulness

When we keep ourselves attached to our phones, we lose the spark from our lives. Personal blogs help us jump out of the trance of social media and hashtags. We take a pause, take in the blog title, and start reading. As we read each word, our nerves calm down.

Thus, personal blogs help you grow your mindfulness by talking about the problems you face each day. You realize that there are people who feel the same as you and you can finally relate to them and find solace with them.

Top 4 Personal Blogs to Read and Follow

Finding the best content on the internet is like fishing through a rabbit hole. However, a little guidance can help you find what you need. We have carried out thorough research to streamline the best personal blogs available online.

Here is a brief list of exhilarating personal blogs that will make you sit up straight and start reading.

The Career Edit

The Career Edit personal blog homepage

Source: The Career Edit

When you start your career, you don’t think about the impact it will have on your social life. Leah Stallone felt the same way as she tried to manage her life with a full-time job. She started The Career Edit to talk about the mindset shift after working in the corporate world.

She explores various topics on fashion, ideas for giving gifts, and helping young women find a place in the workplace. Her personal blog design has a beautiful header with cursive typography and a white background. She uses a slider to showcase her latest blogs with beautiful images.

Mind & Soil

Mind And Soil personal blog homepage

Source: Mind & Soil

They say that when you work with plants and soil, it calms your nerves. Mind & Soil takes this theory to the next level. It helps people remove stress from their lives by using different gardening and mindful techniques.

Jordan Mara, the founder of the blog, did some research on the fact that our cortisol levels – and other stress hormones – decrease when we spend time gardening. So, he created Mind & Soil to help people relax after draining their minds elsewhere. His blog allows people to find peace by focusing on nature.

Yasmina Creates

Yasmina Creates blog homepage

Source: Yasmina Creates

Art is therapeutic and it helps you let go of your insecurities and doubts. Yasmina Creates is an art blog with a similar yet different message. It helps people find joy in creating new things even if they just draw a few doodles. The purpose of this trending blog is to help people find a sense of calm as they pick up their paintbrush.

Yasmina Mattson is an artist who teaches people to draw and paint with simple techniques. She provides different lessons in each of her blogs and lets the audience select the medium they want to use to create art. 


BucketListly blog homepage

Source: BucketListly

When you have found your favorite job and have a family, the next step is to plan your bucket list. BucketListly is a blog where Pete Rojwongsuriya shows you the whole world through your laptop screen. His blog has a complete itinerary of each city he visits. Moreover, you can see the types of hotels and activities available at different ranges of prices.

The blog has a simple layout with enchanting images of cities like Samarkand and Bukhara. Moreover, the visuals and the content make the blog a treat to read.

How to Start Your Own Personal Blog

The decision to start a personal blog is something that comes after a lot of thought. That is why it is necessary to follow through each step of creating a personal blog with care. When you have understood all the aspects of writing a blog, you can follow the given guidelines and start the process of writing your own personal blog.

1. Blogging Platforms 

Blogging platforms are places that help you create content and publish it easily. You don’t need to code or find a publisher. All you have to do is sign up and create a blog online on WordPress, Wix, or another blogging platform.

2. Domain Names

When there are so many websites already live, picking a domain name seems difficult. But if you just dig into your creative side, you will come up with a unique domain name for your blog. Write down a list of possible inspirational blog names and pick one you like the best.

3. Hosting Sites

Once you are done signing up for a blogging platform and getting your domain name, the next step is to find a hosting site. The purpose of a hosting site is to manage your website and keep it up and running. You can use Hostinger, Namecheap, GoDaddy, Bluehost, or Turnkey.

4. Templates

If you are new to the process of creating a blog, you can download pretty blog templates instead of designing one from scratch. Make sure your blog theme is responsive and can be modified to your taste. Then, make changes in the color palette and design for a personal touch.

5. Visual Design

The look of your blog should make a great first impression on your audience. If you add eye-catching images, sliders, and designs, you will be able to create a beautiful blog for your audience. Moreover, the attractive design will improve your blog’s engagement. 

6. Content Strategy

Make a list of the content you want to share on your blog and start writing accordingly. You could also use AI tools like our blog post idea generator to create titles for your blog posts. Try to write at least 1-3 blogs per week to keep your website relevant.

7. Monetizing

The last step in creating a personal blog is monetizing it. You can post advertisements on your blog via AdSense or publish sponsored content to make money form your blog. Monetization will give you an incentive to keep writing good-quality content and improving your blog design.

Final Thoughts

For most people, blogging is more like a hobby, especially when it comes to personal blogs. However, many of these writers discovered the fact that blogging can also be a full-time job. For instance, personal blogs give you the freedom to write any time you want and create your own schedules. So, if you feel like you are stuck in a rut, you can start blogging and find your own creative relief – all while earning some $$.

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