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The Content Gorilla Blog

This is where we share our priceless tips, tricks and strategies that will make you a content marketing rockstar!

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting an Impactful Article with Subheadings

In our series about headlines that grab attention, let’s dive into the importance of an article with subheadings. Granted that it’s very important to win the reader’s attention with your headline. The next crucial step is to craft resonating subheadings. To elaborate, headlines get people to click and explore the…


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How to Write Killer Subheadlines That Support Your Title?

Headlines that grab attention seamlessly draw the audience into exploring your article. But sometimes, after opening an article, readers feel like something is off or missing. They can’t quite get into it because the link between a headline and the content is lacking. This is where a great subheadline comes…


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Discover Your Free SEO Content Template to Maximize Traffic

“The secret of a high-ranking website is not its colors but its content.” Amit Kalantri’s words underscore exactly what we’re about to explore. And the fact is that improving online visibility starts with SEO-optimized content that pops up in SERPs.  Source: Freepik But wait, not all content is easily discoverable…


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How to Write an Article Online in 11 Easy Steps

Ever felt like a story or idea is bubbling up inside you, ready to be shared with the audience who are awaiting it? Writing an article is a fantastic way to do just that!  Source: Giphy We completely understand it’s not easy or as simple as it seems. In fact,…


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Reinvent Yourself With The Power Of Women Lifestyle Blogs

Women are the most versatile creatures of the human race. Their untapped potential can create phenomenal change. In the immortal words of Diane Mariechild, “A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture, and transform.”  But how does that change begin? From advice on health…


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How to Caption an Instagram Post to Get Noticed? [+ Free Caption Generator]

In our series on how to write an Instagram caption, this article will zero in on how to caption an Instagram post once you have the perfect caption. It will also add to your toolbox of writing killer IG captions, but more on that later. Before diving into the ins…


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How to Write an HTML Blog Post That Keeps Your Readers Hooked

Understanding content creation and blog optimization is essential when starting a personal blog. Once you create your content, it’s time to structure it effectively. That’s so you can publish and share it with your readers in the ideal form. In this article, we’ll zoom in on content’s front-end design or…


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All-in-One Guide to Writing a Good Headline for a Blog

Have you ever scrolled through a captivating headline? We’re talking about one that magnetically draws you in, urging you to click, read, and explore further. It takes less than a second for the readers to decide whether to skip over an article or dive right in. Source: Freepik In that…


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Craft Headlines for SEO to Get Ahead in Search Rankings

This blog post’s title is so promising, right? And isn’t that exactly why you’re here? But fret not, since it isn’t as clickbait-y as it sounds. We’ll provide you with just the value that we promised to help you craft offbeat headlines for SEO. That’s so you can double up…


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The Complete Guide to Instagram Caption Templates

Without a caption, an Instagram post is voiceless, worse yet lifeless, having no contextual support. On the other hand, a good caption tells the story behind your post and gives your followers a glimpse into your personality, i.e., who you are beyond the photos you share.  Hence, coming up with…


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