How to Make Instagram Bio Multiple Lines: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Instagram typically restricts your bio to just one line. However, many users are finding ways to expand beyond this limit, creating multi-line bios. These extended bios offer more room for creativity, allowing the inclusion of special formatting and emojis. This approach not only makes your bio more visually appealing but also ensures it has a stronger impact.

An image showing Instagram bio of multiple lines.

If you are finding it challenging to make Instagram bio multiple lines, you are not alone. But, worry not! In this guide, we will discover easy steps on how to make Instagram bio multiple lines and also discuss other aspects related to it.

Can You Have Line Breaks on Instagram?

Instagram Bio with line breaks in it.

Yes, Instagram does allow you to have line breaks. However, adding line breaks in Instagram can sometimes be a bit tricky. You may experience issues where the Instagram app removes these line breaks or makes the text appear as a continuous block.

There are a few ways by which you can successfully include these line breaks. A common method is to use a notes app or a text editor to write the text first, then copy and paste it into Instagram. Another approach is to use special characters or emojis as placeholders for line breaks. By doing this, Instagram is less likely to remove the line breaks or cause any other issues.

Why Does Your Insta Bio Need to Have Line Breaks?

The importance of line breaks.

Your Instagram bio is the first impression you make on your followers, and incorporating line breaks is essential for several reasons:

  1. Line breaks help in organizing the information in your bio, making it more readable and accessible. When information is chunked into smaller parts, it’s easier for viewers to understand and remember the key aspects of your profile.
  1. Line breaks in your bio not only enhance the readability but also reflect a sense of professionalism and attention to detail. Therefore, a bio with well-placed line breaks can improve the impression of your Instagram presence.

If you want to further enhance your Instagram presence, check out our detailed guide on how to write an Instagram caption. But for now, we’ll keep this discussion focused on your IG bio.

Why Can’t You See Return Spaces on Instagram? 

Adding a return space while typing out Instagram bio.

Instagram’s algorithms do not recognize return spaces which are often used to create line breaks or paragraph spacing in text. Hence, any return spaces added are removed which leads to a more compact and continuous block of text. 

This limitation arises from Instagram’s primary focus on visual content, placing images and videos at the forefront. This design approach by Instagram reflects its aim to maintain a streamlined visual aesthetic. It also ensures that only images and videos remain the prime focus without being overshadowed by the supporting text.

How to Add Multiple Lines to Your Instagram Bio?

Many users struggle with formatting their bios, especially when it concerns adding multiple lines. That’s why we made this step-by-step guide on how to make IG bio multiple lines so you can understand the process from the start.

Using the Instagram App 

  1. Open the Instagram application on your mobile.
  2. Tap on the profile icon on the bottom right.
Arrow pointing towards the profile icon.
  1. Press the “Edit Profile” option.
  1. Tap on the Bio field.
Arrow pointing towards the bio field.
  1. Add the first line of your bio for your Instagram profile.
  2. To add another line, press the “Return” or “Enter” key after the first line.
Arrow pointing towards the return key.
  1. If needed, you can add more lines using the “Return” or “Enter” key.
  2. Once completed, tap on the checkmark button to save changes.

Using the Notes App 

  1. Open the Notes App on your iPhone.
  2. Start a new note.
  3. Type your Instagram bio and use the return key to create line breaks.
Highlighting the text needed to be copied.
  1. After you are finished drafting your bio, select and copy the text.
  2. Open the Instagram App.
  3. Click on your profile picture on the bottom right.
Arrow pointing towards the Instagram profile picture.
  1. Click on “Edit Profile.”
Arrow pointing towards the option of "Edit profile."
  1. Paste the copied text into your bio section.
Adding text in Instagram bio.
  1. Tap “Done” to update your Instagram bio.

And that’s it; you’re done!

For more insights and tips, read our guide on how to copy text in Instagram. We’ve curated it especially to help you find helpful tips to elevate your Instagram experience.


Whether you prefer Instagram or the Notes app, our guide has easy-to-understand instructions on how to make Instagram bio multiple lines. So, take assistance from our tips and craft the perfect multi-line bio to make your profile stand out.

Are you also searching for captivating and engaging captions for Instagram? If so, our Free Captions Generator is the perfect option for you. Check out this tool now and craft up to 30 captions in less than a minute.

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