The word blogging is mostly associated with long-form content with headings and a stream of information. Microblogging on the other hand is a totally different genre of content. It is a collection of small yet impactful pieces of content that people can read and relate to. Tumblr is the space where you find such insightful content. Think of snappy images, …
How To Revamp Your Content From Simple Websites Into Modern Blogs?
Blogging is quickly becoming a source of income for many writers all across the globe. Blogging journals have been taken over by modern blogs. Source: Pixabay If you take a close look at various blog website examples, you will see that they follow a unique layout and integrate an interactive design in their blog post. Let’s see what the major …
Top Health and Wellness Blog Post Ideas for 2024
The concept of health and wellness dates back to ancient times. The Greeks called it ‘Eudaimonia,’ meaning ‘good spirit’ or ‘well-being.’ In 1948, the World Health Organization defined health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or infirmity. Source: Freepik Fast forward to today, interest in health and wellness is at …
Grow Your Social Media Following With Free Hashtag Analytics Tools
Take a look at the image below. What words would you use to describe it…beautiful, heavenly, breathtaking? Source: Freepik If we add the symbol # to all these words, we can use them as hashtags for social media posts. By now, we all know that hashtags are a combination of words, numbers, and phrases with a # symbol used to …
Top Education Blogs That Will Boost Your Knowledge
Do you know the one thing that helps us run a civilized society? You guessed it…our education systems. However, education sometimes takes a backseat due to the complexities of culture, race, and politics. Educators have to bear the burden of responsibility for such complexities. That is why education blogs are so important in supporting teachers and students alike. Source: Freepik …
An A to Z Guide To The Best Writers’ Blogs
The art of writing does not come easy to everyone. Even the most passionate and professional blog writers sometimes hit writer’s block. When you hit a snag while writing, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Source: Pixabay You go to your Google feed and search for tips on how to write better. Why not take advice …
Unique Content Writing Topics for All Writers [+ 5 Writing Tips]
“When you write about something you are actually good at or enjoy, you actually stick to it longer.” We loved this statement from Lara Acosta’s recent LinkedIn post. It stresses the need to excel in or, at minimum, enjoy a topic before putting it into writing. General writing can be as easy as jotting down a to-do list or as …
60+ Out-of-the-box Ideas for an Article [+ Tips to Write a Killer Post]
Coming up with fresh ideas for an article is challenging at times. That’s especially true when it feels like you’ve covered everything under the sun. Source: Freepik Whether you’re running your personal blog or creating content for a client, the struggle to constantly come up with new, captivating article ideas is real. Do you know even the most seasoned writers …
3 Easy Ways to Set the Perfect WordPress Site Title
Undoubtedly, a strong, well-crafted WordPress site title sets the tone for your content. Not only this but it also helps your audience connect with your message right from the beginning. However, choosing the perfect title for your WordPress site is easier said than done. Let’s be honest, it feels trickier than picking a name for your pet goldfish! It needs …
How To Make Newspaper Subheadings Matter: A Guide
The Romans were the first people to publish a newspaper to print gossip, news of deaths, incidents of births, and the latest events. As time passed, the newspaper evolved into a unique form of content and a curious concept made its way into the newspaper text…the newspaper subheading. Source: Pixabay Subheadings were introduced in the latter half of the twentieth …