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Discover the Top WordPress Blog Examples That Set the Standard

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Whether you are passionate about travel, food, finance or any other topic, WordPress ensures there is a space for every blogger to express themselves. With countless themes, plugins, and easy-to-use features, it lets anyone easily create a blog and share their stories, ideas, and passions with the world. 

A team sitting against a wall and having a discussing about creating a blog.

Source: Freepik

In this guide, we will explore some of the best WordPress blog examples that feature appealing designs and compelling content. We will also discover major categories and provide some easy tips to start your own blog. 

Let’s get started!

How To Use WordPress to Make a Captivating Blog?

Friends setting a blog on a laptop.

Source: Freepik

Starting a blog with WordPress is an exciting journey. It provides you with the tools to create engaging and captivating blogs. Let’s see just how to do it!

Choose the right theme.

Initially, you need to choose the WordPress theme best suited to your requirements. A theme will determine how your blog looks to your users. Hence, you should look for themes that are not only niche-appropriate but are also visually attractive.

Add your first post.

Writing your first post is quite exciting. You can use the WordPress editor to add text, SEO blog titles, images, and videos. Always remember to keep your content short and to the point so it is easy to read and digest.

Use plugins.

Plugins add extra features to your blog. You should search for plugins that meet your needs such as SEO or social media integration. It is best to always keep your plugins updated for better performance.

Engage with your users.

A good practice is to allow comments on your posts to engage with your readers. You should respond to comments and utilize their feedback to improve your content.

Promote your blog.

To reach a wider audience, you can share your blog on social media. You can use different social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. It is also helpful to keep your content updated so your readers keep coming back.

Be sure to read our guide on creating an outline for a blog that will help to set the structure and flow of your content.

Major Categories of WordPress Blogs

A person's hands writing a blog on a laptop.

Source: Freepik

From travel to tech insights, WordPress blogs have a diverse range of categories. No matter what your interest is, there is a WordPress blog category out there for you. Let’s explore the prominent categories below and some examples of WordPress blogs!

Food & Travel

This category combines culinary journeys and travel escapades. It offers content related to recipes, restaurant reviews, travel guides, and other related stuff.

Blog ExampleNomadic Matt

Blog Themes – Soledad, Foodie Pro

Optimization Strategies – Use high-quality images and geotagging. Add SEO plugins to boost online visibility.


Finance blogs concern topics such as investing, budgeting, financial news, and personal financing. 

Blog ExamplesMoney Crashers, Clever Girl Finance, Forbes

Blog Themes – Meto, Finacia

Optimization Strategies: Integrate financial tools and use secure hosting. Work on SEO for financial keywords.

Services & E-commerce

In this category, blogs provide tips, product and service features, and other insights into their niche.

Blog ExamplesShopify Blog, Nosto, Nalgene

Blog Themes – Storefront, Neve

Optimization Strategies: Utilize WooCommerce for eCommerce features and focus on content marketing. Optimize blog for desktop and mobile.

Entertainment & Lifestyle

This category deals with celebrity news, fashion, hobbies, and daily life insights.

Blog ExamplesPerez Hilton, Camille Styles

Blog Themes – Olsen, CheerUp

Optimization Strategies: Engage users with multimedia content. Add social sharing features and interactive comments.

Personal Blog

Personal blogs focus on the experiences, thoughts, and interests of individual bloggers. 

Blog ExamplesJames Clear, Cup of Jo

Blog Themes – Ashe, Divi

Optimization Strategies – Personalize your theme and focus on storytelling. Integrate social media to build a community of readers.


The blogs in this category provide the latest tech news, tutorials, reviews, and other gadgets and gizmos insights.

Blog ExamplesTechCrunch, Wired, The PlayStation Blog

Blog Themes – TechPro, TechLink

Optimization Strategies – Use technical SEO and ensure optimal user experience. Add multimedia elements like videos to boost user engagement. 

Top 6 WordPress Blog Examples

Friends starting up an online blog on a laptop.

Source: Freepik

WordPress hosts some of the most engaging and successful blogs on the internet. Here are six standout WordPress blogs examples.

1. Forbes

Forbes, managed by Forbes Media LLC, is a popular blog for financial and business news. The blog uses a customized WordPress theme that supports a professional layout. The site uses a responsive design that makes the blog look professional on all devices. Hence, this ensures that it reaches a wider audience.

An innovative WordPress strategy is how Forbes monetizes its content. When you click on external links to Forbes articles, you first see a page with an advertisement. After a few seconds, you can skip the ad and proceed. This approach is effective since it generates revenue from ads without being too intrusive.

2. Nomadic Matt

Nomadic Matt’s blog features content on travel and helps its readers to travel more affordably. Matt has helped millions of users in saving money and getting the best travel experience. The website offers tips, destination guides, and personal stories to inspire travelers.

The blog’s design is user-friendly and easy to navigate with its detailed navigation bar. Also, the search option helps you to find your desired destination easily. By featuring rich and varied content, the site appeals to a wider audience. This is quite important for the site’s SEO as well. 

3. Nalgene

Nalgene is a brand known for its BPA-free water bottles. The site’s blog section “What’s Happening” focuses on showcasing and selling a variety of water bottles and accessories. It also features collections and information on the company’s environmental initiatives.

A unique feature of the WordPress website is a banner on top of the header that shows free shipping for orders over 20$. Also, the blog design features a large banner with promotions and discounts. This design approach compels you to get the deal and acquire their services. Moreover, they have integrated popups in their WordPress website which compel users to join their newsletter, another marketing strategy that works in their favor.

4. Vogue

Vogue is a blog that is all about women’s fashion and lifestyle. They have customized their WordPress theme to give their website a classy look. This is one of the WordPress blog examples that is designed in a linear format which makes it simple to go through. This setup avoids too much clutter from sidebars and too many categories. 

A standout design feature of the blog is how it uses its white space. They have large and colorful pictures with very little text around them. This increases the readability of the blog and makes it more visually appealing.

For those interested in exploring more about lifestyle and fashion for women, do read our collection of the best women blogs

5. Cup of Jo

Cup of Jo is a personal blog that covers topics from fashion and design to parenthood and relationships. The website uses a simplistic white theme with a contrasting bold black font. This makes the content easier to read and understand. Also, their popular blogs are mentioned on the left to engage readers with the most trending content.

Moreover, this personal blog effectively uses the WordPress comments feature. In every blog, there is a designated section for comments which anyone can contribute to. The website also shows the most commented blogs in a separate section.

6. Playstation Blog

The PlayStation Blog is a website operated by Sony, focused on the PlayStation gaming community. The blog’s design is vibrant and full of content, which resonates with the interests of its audience. It is rife with information and the latest news about games and events related to PlayStation. 

This is among the few WordPress blog examples with a standout feature of the Feedback tab. This lets visitors share their thoughts and experiences with Sony. This approach reflects Sony’s dedication to customer service which has helped the blog gain a loyal readership.

Final Thoughts

Starting a blog with WordPress allows you to tap into a world of endless possibilities. With our easy and effective tips, you will be all set to create the perfect WordPress blog that engages your audience. And our top WordPress blog examples will guide you toward adopting a focused approach to content and design to boost user engagement.

Are you looking for exciting and engaging topics for your WordPress Blogs? If so, our Blog Post Idea Generator may be the best option for you. Check out this free tool now and get the best blog ideas just by entering a simple keyword!

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