5-Minute Guide on How to Write a Winning Outline for a Blog

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Do you want to write a blog post that attracts and engages readers? If so, you need to have a logical content structure, and that’s where the outline for a blog comes into play.

Hand Drawn Illustration of an Article Page

Source: Freepik

An outline is a blueprint that serves as a roadmap when an author writes a blog. It helps you save time and produce quality blog posts by avoiding writer’s block. Moreover, it lets you organize your thoughts and ensures the logical flow of the content. Not only this but it also makes it convenient for you to write and edit the blog post.

Now that we understand what it is and how it’s important, let’s dive in and explore how to craft an outline that’ll take your blog writing to the next level.

How Do Blog Outlines Help?

Concept of Writer's Block

Source: Freepik

A blog outline helps writers organize the ideas to be discussed in the blog. Let’s see some other facets below where it contributes to crafting an engaging blog form:

  • Overcome writer’s block: When you have a blog outline in your hand, it means you have a clear structure as a list of points to cover in your blog post. It helps you to overcome the dreaded writer’s block and to get your content flowing!
  • Save time: Creating an outline might seem like an extra step, but it actually saves time in the long run. With an already-planned outline for a blog, you can write faster and better without getting stuck or distracted.  
  • Have adaptability: Blog outlines are flexible. If you need to modify the content, you can do it easily by rearranging certain elements. 
  • Get clarity and focus: With an outline in place, you stay on track with what your topic is about. It keeps your writing focused and prevents you from veering off into irrelevant tangents.
  • Maintain consistency and quality: A blog outline ensures a consistent tone and style throughout the blog post. Hence, it makes it more professional and captivating to the readers. 
  • Increase reach and engagement: When the organization of the content is improved, it drives more traffic to your blog. More traffic means more impressions which ultimately benefits you in promotion and monetization.

The Anatomy of a Blog Outline

Anatomy of a Blog Outline

There are different blog outline templates available online. But you can’t leverage those pre-built frameworks if you don’t know what a blog outline consists of. Let’s explore the 4 key elements here that make up a blog post outline.


The blog’s heading or the title is the first point of contact with the readers. It should be catchy enough to tell them what your blog is about and why they should invest their time into it.


Follow the title with compelling intro ideas that should clear the picture of what your blog topic will cover and what you can expect from it. At this phase, the reader is still deciding whether to read your blog or not. Make sure to add the ideas that make the reader stay instead of leaving. 

If you’ve got a margin to add an eye-popping question, go for it! Jot down such ideas in the intro section while developing an outline for a blog.


Identify the main sections or key points you want to cover in your blog. These sections will form the body of your article and should be organized in a logical order.

Headings and Subheadings

Break down your content into main headings which will be followed by subheadings. These sections will form the core of your blog post, each addressing a specific aspect or idea related to your topic.


You need to craft an engaging conclusion to wrap your content up nicely. Hence, you must signal in the blog outline to recap all the key takeaways from when you actually write the post.

How to Write an Outline for a Blog?

A woman researching ideas on a laptop with an open notebook beside her

Source: Freepik

Now comes the core of our blog – how to outline a blog post. Let’s discuss it in four easy-to-follow steps:

  1. Choose a topic and conduct keyword research to understand what your audience is searching for.
  2. Brainstorm and write down all the key points and takeaways you want to cover in your blog post. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure you’re not missing any important points.
  3. Build out your sections based on the key points and takeaways. This will help you order your blog post in a logical and easy-to-read structure.
  4. Refine and edit your outline or article template to include only the most relevant information. This will help you create a cohesive and logical piece later on.

Factors to Keep In Mind While Writing a Blog Outline

The following tips will help you craft an awesome outline for your blog post:

  • Begin by selecting a topic that is relevant to your audience and aligns with your expertise or interests.
  • Ensure to add a few options to select later for a click-worthy H1 title to intrigue curiosity and make visitors open the link to your post. 
  • Create a structure for your blog post by outlining the headings and subheadings. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of information.
  • Add relevant keywords in your outline that will be included in the consequent article.

Check out our article on the free content generator and learn amazing tips on how to write a blog in a matter of seconds!

Wrap Up

This was an all-in-one guide covering essential elements related to the outline for a blog post. Keep these pointers in mind when you’re creating a blog outline to help you get a well-structured content piece.  

Once you create blog outlines, check out our Free Blog Post Idea Generator to help you craft engaging blogs. Get unlimited ideas by leveraging this free tool with endless customizable possibilities.

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