How to Make Spaces in Instagram Bios and Captions [2 Easy Methods]

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Crafting an eye-popping Instagram bio is essential for leaving a lasting impression on your followers. It can be a little challenging to format your text (in IG bio) as presentation is the key when it’s about your Insta bio

Visually Appealing Bio of 'mentedcosmetics' With Accurate Spacing

Source: Instagram

Instagram’s lack of native line break support increases the chances that your bio looks uninviting with a missing factor of “oh-so-cool”. 

Fear not as there are other workarounds that allow you to add spaces in your Instagram bio and make it look attractive. We’ll discuss the 2 easy ways to do so in this quick tutorial. Let’s get started with the reason why it is essential to know how to make spaces in Instagram bio.

Why is it Important to Create Spaces in an Instagram Bio?

Reasons to Create Insta Bio Spacing

Creating spaces in an Insta bio is as important as the selection of text to grab the attention of the audience. These spaces (if added accurately) make your bio visually appealing, look optimized (uncluttered), and crystal-clear. Let’s explore some more sound reasons why we need it crucially:

  • Enhance Readability: When you add spaces in text segments, you’re simply making them organized and easily readable. It increases the chances that more people can engage with your content. 
  • Highlight Key Information: Adding spaces strategically also allows you to emphasize the important information/pointers. You can draw the attention of your followers to your contact details, website link, CTA (call-to-action), etc. 
  • Aesthetic Appeal: It helps you create a visually attractive layout that people want to explore and get connected with your account.
  • Express Individuality: Creating spaces enables you to personalize your bio, showcasing your unique style and personality, and setting you apart from others on the platform.
  • Encourage Interaction: If you do spacing smartly, it encourages users to take action, whether it’s clicking on a link, exploring your content, or contacting you, leading to increased engagement.
  • Facilitate Skimming: Make your bios easily skimmable for Instagrammers and attract more likes, shares, and followers! Simply put, it should help them find the information they’re seeking without having to read through the entire content.

Instagram’s Line Break Limits

Understanding line break limits is necessary if you want to know how to put spaces in Instagram bio making it your best one yet.

Simply put, the line break is a convenient way to add space to your text to keep it clean and easily understandable. 

Instagram allows for a limited number of characters per line in your bio, making it essential to strategize how to optimize this space effectively. This limit spans around 150 characters before Instagram automatically starts a new line in your bio. 

Quick Tip: Remember, optimize your Insta bios according to mobile devices as most people view them there.

Don’t miss out on creativity and explore these Instagram emoji captions to pick some interesting emojis and make your bio a unique one!

Step-By-Step Guide on How to Make Spaces in Instagram Bio

How to Create Spaces in Insta Bio in 2 Easy Ways

In this section, we’ll look through 2 easy methods on how to space out Instagram bio as illustrated below.

Method #1: Using ‘Notes App’ in Your Phone

Let’s explore some easy-to-follow steps to create spacing in your Insta bio using the Notes App:

  1. Open your phone’s notes app, such as Apple Notes or Google Keep. You can also download any other Notes app from the App Store/Play Store. 
  2. Compose your bio text with the desired spaces and line breaks by pressing ‘enter.’
  3. Highlight the formatted bio text and tap the “Copy” button.
  4. Open the Instagram app and navigate to your profile. 
  5. Then, tap the “Edit Profile” button. 
  6. Tap into the “Bio” section and delete any existing text. 
  7. Long-tap in the “Bio” field and select “Paste.”
  8. Delete the period (.) at the end of the last word preceding each line break.
  9. Tap the “Done” button twice to save your changes.

Method #2: Using Line Break Generator Tool

Use any of the online free line break generator tools to add spacing in your IG bio as illustrated below:

  1. Open the line break generator online tool and type out your bio text. 
  2. The app will automatically format your text with the desired spaces and line breaks. Tap the “Copy” button to copy the formatted bio text.
  3. Open the Instagram app and navigate to your profile. 
  4. Then, tap the “Edit Profile” button. 
  5. Afterwards, tap into the “Bio” section and delete any existing text.
  6. Long-tap in the “Bio” field and select “Paste.”
  7. Tap the “Done” button twice to save your changes.

We’ve also covered how to make Instagram bio multiple lines in this guide. Explore it now if you want to take your bio up a notch!

[Bonus Tip] How to Change Fonts in Your Instagram Bio?

Changing fonts in your Insta bio is literally a fun way to make it eye-popping. There are no built-in font styling options on Instagram. You can use an online font generator app here. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Visit any online free Insta bio font styling tool. For instance, some cool options in this regard are LingoJam,, FontLab, and AnyFont.
  2. After composing your bio text with the desired content and line breaks, you need to enter it in the required text box. 
  3. Browse through the available font options and select the one that aligns with your style. 
  4. Highlight the formatted text with the desired font. 
  5. Click or tap the ‘Copy’ button to copy the formatted text.
  6. Now you can add this copied text in your Insta bio by deleting the existing one and then adding it there. 
  7. Don’t forget to save the changes. 

Ta-da! Now you’ve a unique and attention-grabbing Insta bio! Be sure to use such fonts sparingly because sometimes their overuse makes your bio hard to grasp!

If you are an avid Insta user looking for valuable tips and untold tricks, check out our comprehensive guide on how to write an Instagram caption.

Wrap Up

We covered almost every essential pointer regarding how to make spaces in the Instagram bio in this quick tutorial. 

Captions are the heart of Instagram posts and they are as important as your bios! If you’re looking for some aesthetic Instagram captions to amplify the beauty of your uploads, here are they!

We support creativity and that’s why if you have any personalized ideas to craft captions for your Insta photos, here’s our Free Captions Generator. Leverage its customization options to create as many out-of-the-box captions as you want.

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