Time has become a rare commodity for people all around the world. There are so many things that want our attention that we fail to acknowledge any of them. Headline readers are people who understand this concept better than most, and they show this by skimming through headlines before going into blog posts. They just don’t have the time to read each one in detail.
Source: Freepik
So, when you start writing articles for such people, you need to be familiar with the answer to the question: What is a headline?
And as we already know, a headline is basically an introduction to the article you want to write. For the audience, it’s a huge neon sign:
Read Me!
Headlines are statements or questions defining a particular topic. They push readers to pick up your content from the hundreds of articles available online. And that’s your way in with headline readers.
Itching to know more? Let’s go!
Understanding Headline Readers
Source: Freepik
Headline readers are people who scroll through the list of titles shown on Google’s search engine result pages. They will go through the list of all the headlines and stop at the one that shocks them into action.
According to David Ogilvy, the renowned Father of Advertising, “…five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy…”. Why is that? After all, Google only provides results for the things users search for. So, why do they lose interest halfway through that search?
The answer is simple: they get bored or distracted while scrolling. They see so many titles in the search results that they want to read all of them at once and get lost in the hubbub.
These people are headline readers, and you need to get their attention as soon as possible. Let’s say you see a headline titled “Ten Habits of Successful People.” You will immediately click on the headline because it intrigues you, and you want to be successful. People only read headlines that promise them value or a proposition. They click on the headline that they think will deliver the value of the headline through the content.
The Psychology Behind Headline Reading
Source: Freepik
If we go deep into the psychology of headline reading, we will get a few surprises. People who go through their Google feed are mostly looking for a dopamine hit. As soon as they see an exciting headline, they feel a rush of dopamine.
Dr. Jud Brewer, a psychiatrist, explains that in pre-historic times, people got a dopamine rush when they found food. As time passed, the human brain produced dopamine on the thought of food. The same thing happens when you read a headline that satisfies your curiosity.
It confirms that you have found the right information. You feel happy and move on to the next heading. So, if you want people to read the whole blog, you need to give them just a small piece of information to keep them curious.
When people read headlines like, “5 things that will make you a billionaire”, they will click on the headline. They will want to know these five things in detail so they can act upon them. It will give them a sense of satisfaction to have access to the right information and click on it.
Examples of Successful Blog Post Headlines
Source: Freepik
Headline reading is a favorite part of people’s experience, especially those who love reading. Successful modern blog post headlines, however, attract everyone on the internet. This includes the people who are simply searching for some new information.
That is why it will be helpful to look into the five examples of successful blog posts that make headline readers click on blogs.
1. Aesthetic Blogs – Content Gorilla
Source: Content Gorilla
The article from Content Gorilla on aesthetic blog posts checks all the boxes of an attractive headline. The title, The ‘What’, the ‘How’, and the ‘Who’ of an Aesthetic Blog, suggests that it will provide the readers with all the necessary information to create an aesthetic blog. The use of how prompts the reader to think and continue to read the blog.
2. Dinner Ideas – Tasty
Source: Tasty
The food blog Tasty uses a direct headline to get into the mind of the reader. The title, 33 Easy Dinner Ideas When You’re Not Sure What To Make, includes a number and points right to the problem. Many people are fed up with thinking about what to cook. So, the headline provides a great incentive for people belonging to all spheres of life.
3. Business Ideas – Forbes
Source: Forbes
The blog on starting a business on Forbes has a simple and relevant headline: How To Start A Business In 11 Steps (2024 Guide). This title gives you the exact number of steps you need to follow. Moreover, the “2024 Guide” makes the headline relevant and up-to-date for small investors and makes it a success among readers.
4. Types of Exercise – NIH
Source: NIH
The headline related to fitness on NIH gives clear instructions to the audience. The blog title reads Four Types of Exercise Can Improve Your Health and Physical Ability. This article is at the top of Google’s search because it tells people exactly what they need. The number ‘four’ narrows down the audience’s search and provides certainty for the reader.
5. Tourist Attractions – US News
Source: US News
People who are searching for the best tourist sites want to know about all the available options. US News gives them exactly what they want. The title The World’s 51 Best Tourist Attractions captures the reader’s attention perfectly. The use of the number ‘51’ and the power word “Best” increases the impact of the headline and pushes the reader to read the whole blog.
Strategies to Engage Headline Readers
Source: Freepik
Writing headlines that have an impact is easier than you think. You just have to get into the minds of the headline readers.
Try to think about the things most people usually search for while typing on Google. You can find various factors that help people make decisions during the headline-reading process. Let us take a look at the strategies you can use to engage headline readers.
1. Use Power Words
Use words that convey a sense of authority to your audience. Works like Undeniable, Amazing, Easy, and Best are just some of the words that you can use to create impactful headlines. You can also use adjectives that highlight your content. For example, incredible, game-changer, exclusive, countdown, and must-have.
2. Address the Reader
Address your headline reader directly by using the second person. It will help create a rapport with your audience and make them feel like they are the center of attention. This type of narrative personalizes the content. It convinces the reader that you are totally sincere and want to help the reader find the right answers.
3. Add Numbers
People are more likely to read an article that gives them an overview of the subject matter. The headlines which include numbers show the headline reader the approximate time they will spend on your article. For instance, “7 Steps for Success” will convince the reader to skim through your content in a short time.
4. Ask A Question
Question headlines are a great way to make the headline reader think about the content. The question you use must aim at the most vital need of your audience. For example, the title “How Do Minimalist Blog Templates Increase Your Reach?” will give headline readers a reason to read a blog from start to finish.
5. Create The Curiosity Gap
Everyone wants to know the details of all the latest information on any topic. That’s why you need to provide the audience with a little bit of information to make them feel your content’s value. Once they get that small piece of information, they will want to fill the curiosity gap. They will then read the blog to satisfy their hunger for knowledge.
[Bonus] How to Generate Catchy Headlines In Seconds?
Source: Freepik
Crafting good headlines means spending your precious time on research and analysis. You need to check out the types of things your audience likes or dislikes.
Why not skip over all the hassle?
You can simply use a free blog post idea generator to create catchy headlines in a few seconds. Just open the tool and write down the name of your business or topic.
Click on the Generate AI Text button and you will get a list of fifteen catchy headlines.
You can add your own words to these headlines and personalize them to suit your blog’s narrative.
People only read headlines that offer them something in return. That is why you should focus on creating high-quality headlines that not only inform but also engage. You may want to use short and snappy headlines which will make the reader stop in their tracks. Choose an appropriate length, use powerful words, and let the headline work its magic on your SEO score.

I am a full-time online marketer, for over a decade now. Helped over 100,000+ people & generated well over $12M in online sales.