The art of writing does not come easy to everyone. Even the most passionate and professional blog writers sometimes hit writer’s block. When you hit a snag while writing, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?
Source: Pixabay
You go to your Google feed and search for tips on how to write better. Why not take advice from those who do it better than anyone…the best writing blogs! The most amazing thing about the best writers’ blogs is that they know how tough it is to be a writer and thus, they will give you the best and most realistic advice on what makes a blog successful.
The best writers’ blogs belong to different categories, so it can be hard to find the one that’s right just for you. So, let us do a deep dive into the types of writer’s blogs available on the internet and what you can learn from these blogs.
Our Picks for the 8 Best Writers’ Blogs
If you are new to the world of writing blogs, we have some advice for you. Go through the best writers’ blogs out there and choose the ones that suit your style. Here are our picks of the top 8 famous blog writers on the web.
1. Copyblogger
Source: Copyblogger
Writing web copy is exciting as you get to play with headlines and puns. But if you feel like you are stuck in a rut, Copyblogger is the answer to your woes. With some of the best blog writing advice, Copyblogger takes you through a journey of a thousand words one blog post at a time. It explores topics like email marketing, personal branding, social media copywriting, and driving traffic towards your blog.
Truly one of the best writers’ blogs, it even offers tips on increasing your Twitter following and starting a podcast. The wide range of topics and information on this blog not only helps you become a better copywriter but also improves your social media management skills. It’s like a one-stop-shop solution for all your writing problems.
2. Diana Kelly Levey’s Blog
Source: Diana Kelly Levey
Tired of the 9 to 5 grind and want to become a freelance writer for good? Diana Kelly’s blog is the best writers’ blog to get advice on starting your freelancing journey. As a freelancer, you are your own boss. So how do you create a freelancing career based on your current skills? Diana Kelly has all the answers. As one of the best blog writers and content marketers, Diana has first-hand experience in using Fiverr and other freelancing apps. That’s how she knows what works – and what doesn’t.
She offers advice on finding freelancing websites that pay rather than making false promises. From setting up your freelancing account to making sure it actually works, Diana Kelly spoonfeeds information to freelance writers. By providing accurate information and helping people get writing jobs, she made hers by far one of the best writers’ blogs on the internet today.
3. Writers Helping Writers
Source: Writers Helping Writers
If you are a literature buff and are looking for a blog that answers all your literary questions, Writers Helping Writers is the place to go. As you open the link to this blog, you will be amazed by the topics you will find. For instance, the series of blogs named Character Type & Trope Thesaurus offers insight into exciting ways to create characters that speak to the reader. It talks about jocks, psychopaths, reluctant heroes, adrenaline junkies and even matriarchs.
Once a writer gets hooked on these amazing articles, it’s hard to let go. Because who doesn’t want to know the secrets of effective storytelling especially if you are an aspiring fictional writer? So, go ahead and start reading this blog to enhance your story-writing skills and write intriguing pieces for your blog.
4. The Write Life
Source: The Write Life
Writing is not simply about evoking your thoughts and typing them up on a screen. There is a whole mindset that allows you to begin the writing process. The Write Life has tapped into this secret and explores topics that focus on building a writer’s experience. As we count down the best blogs for writers, The Write Life takes a totally different approach to writing. It even talks about things like finding the right laptop to improve your writing experience.
But it’s not just laptops, The Write Life will also help you find exciting niches. For example, the blogs on Christian writing, pet blogs, travel blogs, and lifestyle blogs take a unique approach to each subject. There is even a blog about writing callus, the accumulation of dead skin on a writer’s wrist after using a pencil or pen for a long time. These types of topics make the blog personal and allow readers to focus on the truths that we mostly ignore.
5. The Creative Penn
Source: The Creative Penn
Joanna Penn is the brains behind The Creative Penn, one of the top writer blogs that explore a world beyond fiction. Whether it is the fear of AI taking over the world or the brave act of facing your fears, The Creative Penn takes you on a rollercoaster ride.
Joanna Penn, who is the author of 40 books with millions of sales in 176 countries, is an inspiration. She has made her mark in the publishing world and is sharing her expertise on her podcast as well. She talks about using Meta ads to sell books and other marketing tactics on her blog. If you are a writer and need a slight push in the right direction, The Creative Penn is your go-to solution.
6. Live Write Thrive
Source: Live Write Thrive
Want to turn that draft lying in your documents into a fantastic novel? Live Write Thrive is the solution you have been looking for! C.S. Lakin has helped more than 6000 writers turn their drafts into best-selling books. Through one of the best writer blogs to follow, she carries out manuscript critiques to help writers streamline their ideas into a well-thought-out book. Her blog is filled with advice for fiction and non-fiction authors alike.
If you have been working on a draft for months on end and can’t seem to tie up the strings together, this is the best writer’s blog you can find. C.S. Lakin talks about creating suspense in stories, brainstorming ideas, and building believable characters. In short, Live Write Thrive is a writer’s haven for anyone interested in this art form.
7. Writer’s Digest
Source: Writer’s Digest
Imagine opening a blog that looks and feels like a magazine. When you open the blog, you see a goldmine of information in one click. The Writer’s Digest is just that! It provides you with a wide range of blogs on different genres like horror, publishing insights, poetic forms, and fiction. With all these genres in place, you have the freedom to read anything you like.
The blog offers both fiction and non-fiction writers a chance to find their writing prowess. Each blog offers a unique lesson for amateur and professional writers. Blogs like Errand vs. Errant vs. Arrant (Grammar Rules) and Will Cockrell: Details Are What Drove Me are the tip of the iceberg. Explore the Writer’s Digest for tips that are based on experience and offer value at the same time.
Source: DIY FMA
The Do It Yourself Master Of Fine Arts, or diyFMA, was originally published as a book. This book is a guide for those of you who want to pursue writing as a career but need help somewhere in the middle. The DIY FMA blog is inspired by the book’s motto:
- Write with focus
- Read with purpose
- Build your community
The founder of DIY FMA, Gabriela Pereira has come up with a unique writing technique called Writer Igniter Method. The simple philosophy behind this method is to practice writing as much as you can. The Writer Fuel: The Power of Writing Prompts is a powerful example of Gabriela as a true wordsmith. From writing prompts to the Twilight Zone, the DIY FMA blog is filled with one gem after the other.
What We Learn From the Best Writers’ Blogs
As you already know, there are time-tested tips for writing that all the blogs follow. These are the tips that every writer must follow whether they are a freelancer or a professional writer. Without further ado, here are the writing tips you need to know:
- Do thorough research before writing anything whether it’s an article, an article pitch, a blog post, or a social media post.
- Brainstorm ideas before writing down headlines and try to focus on people’s pain points.
- Always keep the client’s core values in mind while writing because your values might differ from the required content.
- Use clear and simple language so readers from all backgrounds can easily understand your writing.
- Dig into the psychology of your reader to create content that has layers of knowledge, experience, and storytelling.
- Add a personal touch to your content. Adding a description of your personal experience makes your content more relatable.
- Use prompts to practice writing. Using prompts can help you develop a writing habit and even your own writing style later on.
- Keep an open mind when you start writing a novel or a story. Let the ideas flow freely and put them in order after completion.
- Use character types to create the first look of your character and add layers to the character as the story progresses.
- Promote yourself. Use SEO blog titles and engaging captions on social media to share your writing with the world.
How to Start Your Own Writer’s Blog
Source: Freepik
Are you excited about writing? After checking out all the best writers’ blogs on the internet, it is time to make your grand entrance. Here is what you need to do:
Browse For A Blog Platform
The first step in writing a blog is to choose a platform. You can choose from a wide range of platforms including:
- WordPress: Best for blogs and portfolios
- Tumblr: Best for microblogging
- Ghost: Best for blogging for influencers
- Blogger: Best for beginners
Test the features of each platform and choose the one that is the best fit for you.
Come Up With A Domain Name
When you have set your heart on the platform, move on to the process of selecting a domain name for your website. Pick out a name that is relatable and easy to remember. You can play around with words you like and make it truly your own. You can also use your name with a spin to make your website easy to remember.
Create A Unique Design And Brand
When you have set up the domain name, the website or content management system will provide you with a number of designs and templates. Choose a design that is simple yet effective. Select a theme for your blog and add colors that reveal your particular persona. You could also come up with a design of your own and use it as a logo for your brand.
Decide What To Write
The best thing about a writer’s blog is that you can write anything you want. Enjoy the freedom of your blog to explore topics like adventure, traveling, horror, humor, or simply storytelling. If you want to keep your blog more informative, you can choose to explore writing tips, personal experiences, and even book reviews. As Virginia Woolf explains in her book, “A Room Of One’s Own”:
“Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.”
Promote Your Blog
The last step in making your blog public is to promote your blog. Use all your social media platforms to get the word out. You can ask your friends, family, and colleagues to sign up for your new blog. As they start reading your blogs, you can use word of mouth to increase your blog’s audience Attracting the audience’s attention is the first step towards blogging. Keep improving your blogs to make sure that the readers keep coming back for more.
Writing requires practice and perseverance. The best writer’s blogs are truly passionate about their content. If you talk about the things you love, you will get more readers on your blog. But if you are struggling with coming up with new content, you can always get some help. Start brainstorming ideas for your blog by using the Free Blog Post Idea Generator from Content Gorilla. Stop thinking and sign up for an exciting journey of writing!

I am a full-time online marketer, for over a decade now. Helped over 100,000+ people & generated well over $12M in online sales.