70+ Attention Grabbing Headline Examples [+ 6 Tips Inside]

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As we know the very first point of contact between the blog and the reader is the headline. It can make or break their decision to explore further or skip it and move on to another article. Let’s learn about some attention grabbing headline examples to make your blog welcoming!

Actually, some blog headlines are read meh 😔 that fail to make your heart race with excitement. Others pique your interest in the snap of a finger. They fall under the category of read me 🤩 and you can’t help but open up to explore them further. 

Meme About the Importance of a Killer Headline in A Blog

We’ve gathered a list of attention grabbing headline examples for you to explore and take inspiration from to curate your own! They’ll give you the perfect idea of what is too much conciseness or where the length might be excessive. Are you ready? So are we!

Key Elements of a Killer Headline

Key Elements of a Killer Headline

Let’s start by discussing the necessary elements to formulate a killer headline. An important concept to familiarize yourself with is the SCARCE approach. Let’s uncover what we mean by it.

  • Specificity – Keep your headline clear, relevant, and focused on the core theme of the blog topic. 
  • Curiosity – Keep your headline intriguing and surprising and prompt your reader to want to know more by leaving a loop open.
  • Active Voice – Make your headline powerful and engaging by keeping it in the direct sentence structure – i.e. active voice.
  • Readability – Ensure your headline is easy to understand and remember. Use simple words and sentences in it and check its readability score using this free tool.
  • Conciseness – Keep its length between 6 to 10 words or 50 to 80 characters for crispness. It’s very important to know how long should a headline be, so keep these numbers in mind.
  • Emotional Persuasion – Use appealing and persuasive words to evoke emotions or actions in the reader.

To delve further into the structure and basic info about crafting a headline, check out this all-in-one guide covering how to write a headline.

Top Attention-Grabbing Headline Examples

A surprised girl with one hand on her mouth and the other pointing outwards

Source: Freepik

Get inspiration from the following examples of headlines that grab attention to hook your audience fast.

  • The Power of Positivity: How to Overcome Challenges with Optimism
  • Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs: Learn from the Best in the Business
  • The Surprising Truth About Achieving Work-Life Balance
  • Is Building Wealth and Financial Freedom That Easy?
  • The Biggest Mistake You’re Making with Your Blog Headlines
  • Discover the Ancient Secrets of Meditation for Inner Peace
  • Interesting Science of Happiness: A Blueprint for a Fulfilling Life
  • This Common Mistake Could Be Costing You Big Time (But It’s Easy to Fix!)
  • This Might Be the Most Important Article You Read All Year
  • The Science-Backed Approach to Revolutionize Health & Wellness
  • Revolutionize Your Fitness Journey with These Cutting-Edge Techniques
  • How to Skyrocket Your Sales with These Proven Techniques
  • Transform Your Finances: Smart Money Moves You Can’t Afford to Miss
  • Warning: Reading This Could Make You Seriously Productive
  • The Secret Nobody’s Telling You About Acing the Exams
  • How to Write Blogs that Make Your Audience Say “Wow”
  • The Art of Persuasion: How to Win People Over

Examples of Catchy Headlines for Social Media

Woman Influencer in Action Advertising a Product

Source: Freepik

The following attention-grabbing headline examples will give you an idea to make your social media followers stop scrolling and boost engagement.

  • You Won’t Believe What This Celebrity Just Did
  • This Is the Best Thing You’ll See Today
  • How I Generated 10,000 Leads with This Social Media Post
  • 10 Life-Changing Hacks for a Healthier, Happier You
  • How to Overcome Negative Thoughts and Master Your Mind by Embracing Positivity
  • The Secret Sauce of Instagram Influencers: Insider Tips Revealed
  • How to Get More Likes, Shares, and Comments on Your Posts
  • Good News! The Top 10 Tips for a Successful Career – Straight from the Experts
  • The Ultimate Skincare Routine for Flawless Beauty
  • How Just 10 Minutes a Day Can Change Your Life
  • Say Goodbye to Cravings: The Easy Trick That Will Help You Achieve Your Dream Beach Body
  • 10 Instagram Story Ideas to Keep Your Followers Hooked
  • The Rise of TikTok: How to Leverage the Hottest Social Media Platform
  • Behind the Scenes: The Untold Story of Our Most Unforgettable Experience
  • Scroll-stopping Instagram Hacks to Grow Your Followers and Skyrocket Your Influence
  • The Dos and Don’ts of Social Media Marketing: Expert Advice
  • Don’t Let These 5 Common Errors Ruin Your Love Story
  • How to Level Up Your Career in 2024: Expert Tips and Strategies
  • The Secret to Six-Pack Abs: No Gym Required, Just Follow These 8 Simple Tips!

Captivating Headline Examples With Numbers

Template to Create Numbered Heading

Check out these attention-grabbing headline examples that’ll show you how to make yours more credible and easy to scan by leveraging numbers.

  • 15 Life-Changing Lessons from the World’s Most Inspirational Leaders
  • 7 Style Trends You Need to Know in 2024
  • 10 Questions to Ask Yourself When Facing a Difficult Decision
  • 12 Tech Trends That Will Shape the Future of Innovation
  • How to Save Money: 15 Practical Tips That Actually Work
  • 20 Life-Changing Lessons We Learned in the Past Year
  • The 6 Essential Ingredients for a Delicious Homemade Pizza
  • Goal Getter Alert! Make 50 Before 50 Challenge Happen
  • 7 Powerful Words That Will Instantly Boost Your Confidence
  • 3 Proven Hacks to Write Headlines That Convert Like Crazy
  • The 12 Best Books to Expand Your Mind and Change Your Life
  • 8 Must-Try Recipes for a Delicious and Nutritious Diet
  • 10 Foods That Will Supercharge Your Energy Levels
  • 70 Must-See Places You Should Visit Before You Die
  • 15 Creativity Tools You Can Try Right Now
  • 8 Signs You’re a Creative Genius (Even If You Don’t Think So!)
  • The 4 Pillars of a Successful Relationship: Building Lasting Love
  • 9 Expert Tips for Mastering Public Speaking
  • 50 Creative Prompts to Spark Your Writing Inspiration

Blog Post Headline Examples

Gif of a Reader Thinking About Clicking a Blog Post

Source: Giphy

Let’s take a look at these catchy headline examples for blog posts to drive traffic and keep readers coming back for more.

  • How to Overcome Writer’s Block: Strategies for Consistent Blogging Success
  • To-Do Tsunami? 5 Hacks to Get More Done in 60 Minutes
  • 10 Inspiring Stories of People Who Overcame Adversity
  • 7 Innovative Approaches for Crafting an Intuitive User Experience (UX)
  • 6 Unique Techniques for Capturing Breathtaking Photography
  • Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of a Successful Entrepreneur
  • 5 Tricks to Overcome Procrastination Once and For All
  • How AI-Powered Therapy is Transforming Patient Recovery
  • Unmissable Tips to Kickstart Your Career Journey
  • The Future of Artificial Intelligence: What You Need to Prepare For
  • How to be a Successful Freelancer? [Insider Tips for Thriving in the Gig Economy]
  • Blogger’s Toolbox: Must-Have Resources for Content Creators
  • The Secrets of Effective Parenting: Insider Tips for Nurturing Happy Children
  • 7 Innovative Approaches for Creating Memorable Customer Experiences
  • How We Grew Sales by 300% Using Personalized Marketing Automation
  • The Psychology of Interior Design: Creating Harmonious Living Spaces
  • Embracing Change: How to Thrive in Times of Uncertainty
  • The Art of Crafting Handmade Jewelry: Insider Techniques Revealed

Remember: a killer headline cannot be left alone without its killer sub heading sidekicks.

Tips for Writing a Catchy Headline

Did you know a strong headline has the potential to significantly boost click-through rates? Let’s delve into 6 tips to get better at crafting article headlines.

  • Be punchy – Make every word count.
  • Put more focus on benefit – Highlight the key value your content offers.
  • Spark curiosity – Ask a question, use numbers, or mention intriguing facts.
  • Use power words – Power words grab attention so choose the ones that compel readers to open the link.
  • Highlight unique angles – Novelty always wins! Include unseen perspectives in your headline for a lasting impression.
  • Target your audience – Be specific and relevant to your audience.

Do you also believe that headline and title are interchangeable terms? It’s time to give it a second thought. Check out the headline vs title where we differentiated both to clear your misconception.

Wrap Up

Headlines work exactly opposite to the UX design principle, “Don’t Make Me Think“. If it can’t make them ponder, then dare we say it’ll be a failure. A headline is the gist of your blog post and it should be welcoming to compel your readers to click the post link. 

If it’s not captivating enough, the game’s over right there. Hence, use the attention grabbing headline examples we provided to craft their own in the best possible way. 

Want to generate unlimited ideas to plan out the next blogs? We’ve got you covered with our exclusive Free Blog Post Idea Generator. The awe-mazng thing about it is that you don’t need to log in to use it and of course – it’s totally free!

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