AI content seo illustration

Advanced AI Content SEO with Content Gorilla AI: Climb to Google’s First Page

NeilBlog Post Idea Generator, Captions, Hashtags, Social media post generators Leave a Comment

If you have seen futurist movies, you may think that AI is all about robots taking over the world. 

But as we have seen over the years, AI is not part of a dystopian world. It is an aid that helps us improve how we work and how we think about creating new content and software. 

AI Content SEO is one such thing that has been making strides in recent times. People who used to think that their content writing jobs were at risk due to AI are now thinking differently.

Businesses are using automation to create weather forecasts, predict sporting outcomes, and create transcripts. Moreover, automation has helped 45% of B2B marketers come up with new topics for their content using AI.

Google Search Central Screenshot

Source: Google Search Central

Right now, 40% of companies have started using AI to build their marketing strategies. Moreover, 95% of these companies have been receiving positive results by using these marketing strategies. 

The numbers don’t just stop here. In the year 2024, 55% of companies will be using AI SEO content to enhance their content creation strategies.

So what are you waiting for?

Let us pounce on this amazing opportunity to help you grow your business. 

ChatGPT And The Evolving AI Content SEO Tools

ChatGPT was the beginning of a long line of AI Content SEO tools that are revolutionizing the content generation industry. And now, even generating topics for modern blogs is much easier by integrating an SEO AI writer.

The latest numbers show that AI-generated content boosts SEO productivity by 20% to 30%. That is why many businesses are leaning towards AI content SEO tools to improve their on-page SEO.

Let me give you a real-life example of a website, How To Care For A Dog. When you open the blog, you will see that the content is attractive and ranks quite well as far as content SEO is concerned.

Now, why is that such a big deal?

How To Care For A Blog, furry blog post

Source: How To Care For A Dog

It’s because the blog owner has planned, designed, and written each blog post with the help of Content Gorilla – a premier AI content SEO tool!

The content of each blog has a proper structure with a beginning, middle, and end. It captivates the audience – and the best thing is that it generates leads.

If you want similar results for your blog, keep reading on. Discover the top-notch techniques to create meaningful AI content for SEO by researching the underlying factors behind Google Analytics.

What Does Google Say About AI Content SEO?

Woman holding a Google Plus icon

Source: Freepik

The aim of presenting content on Google is to provide people with authentic information. That is why Google has certain standards for checking the quality of a piece of content.

AI Versus Human Written Content

Google filters out content based on its relevance and utility. Any content that does not provide value to the users will be marked as spam.

So, the question remains…Why is AI content not banned on Google – especially since a lot of it does sound like spam?

Google prefers to keep a balance of AI and human-written content because AI can also provide factual information – that too with a proper structure. So, as long as the AI content is correct and does not manipulate SEO rankings, it is acceptable to Google.

However, Google has recently updated its algorithms – namely RankBrain – to remove any and all low-quality content from its index. Any content produced by LLMs (long language models) to manipulate keyword rankings looks like spam to Google.

Screenshot of Google's various ranking algorithms

Source: Google Search Central

Similarly, if a human writes an article but the content is of low quality, Google will remove it from its index.

Google has a number of systems in place to check the quality of each article. One of these ranking systems includes RankBrain which helps Google understand the connection between words and concepts – a phenomenon called semantic indexing. 

Now that we have established Google’s guidelines regarding ranking, I will help you understand how an AI SEO blog writer fits into this picture.

The role of an AI SEO blog writer is to offer you the same quality of content that you would expect from a human. By combining machine learning with Google’s ranking system, certain SEO tools can provide you with content that is of high quality – and SEO-powered.

I will further discuss the overall impact of SEO AI writer tools to help you grasp the concept of AI content generation.

What Are SEO AI Writer Tools?

Html and css collage concept with person

Source: Freepik

The release of ChatGPT was an exciting opportunity for people to work on their ideas autonomously. However, as businessmen, freelancers, and other officials started to use ChatGPT, they realized that it only creates generalized content.

But ChatGPT did lay down the groundwork for better and faster SEO AI writer tools. A few companies have improved their algorithms to come up with unique AI SEO writer tools to help you create better content.

But just how do these tools work?

How Do SEO AI Writer Tools Work?

Neuron AI SEO writer screenshot

AI SEO writer tools use machine learning to create engaging content. Each AI content SEO tool is different from the other, but they do have a few things in common.

An AI content SEO tool asks you to pick a keyword on which you want to base your article. Some tools provide you with a list of highly-ranking keywords – generated automatically. In others, you will need to add the core keyword yourself to create a complete article.

The next step is to select the length of your article and the number of images you want to add to each section. Some SEO AI writer tools like Content Gorilla take this feature up a notch by providing AI-generated images.

Other options for optimizing your content include integrating secondary keywords to boost the searchability of your content. You can even choose to keep your content bold or italicized and add backlinks.

Once you have selected all the options, you will just have to click on the “Create” or “Run” option to generate a new article.

The SEO AI tool will only take a few minutes to create a full-fledged article. You just need to wait a few minutes – and you can make changes to it as you go along.

SEO AI Writer Tools

With so many blogs doing the rounds on the internet, creating content that generates leads can seem overwhelming.

Here’s where using an AI SEO blog writer comes into the picture. It will not only reduce the time you spend on writing a new article but also create content that is engaging and ranks well at the same time.

After I did a little bit of digging, I noted down the following tools that create value-driven AI SEO content.

1. Content Gorilla AI

Content Gorilla homepage

Source: Content Gorilla AI

Content Gorilla AI is a sophisticated AI Content SEO writer that has multiple options for creating and rewriting content. You can start off by simply searching for keywords for your blog.

Content Gorilla AI allows you to then use these keywords to find related YouTube videos. As soon as you choose a YouTube video, the AI Content & SEO tool will convert it into a draft post.

You can then choose to edit, spin, and optimize the blog for better keywords. These options streamline the process of creating a unique piece of AI content for SEO that will improve your blog’s ranking on SERPs.

A valuable aspect of the Content Gorilla tool is that it helps you rewrite old blogs as well. It gives your old blog a new perspective and helps you share your content on all your social media platforms – all that with a single click!

2. Frase

Frase AI SEO tool homepage

Source: Frase

The next AI Content SEO tool, Frase, has an easy-to-use interface. It helps users create outlines for their articles and integrate keywords according to their requirements.

The only downside of using Frase is that it keeps refreshing its content. So, you may need to save your outline before reloading the page.

Once you create an outline, you can check the content for relevant keywords, internal links, SEO, and even user experience.

3. Gemini

Gemini homepage

Source: Gemini

Gemini is a search-based tool like ChatGPT, but it is much more nuanced as it provides you with a fluent flow of ideas. You write down a question – and Gemini offers you a solution.

Make sure you provide clear instructions to avoid rephrasing your questions, though.

As soon as you write down a question in Gemini, you will get the required content. Moreover, you can also make changes to the blogs by giving additional instructions in the chatbox.

4. SurferSEO

Surfer SEO homepage

Source: SurferSEO

Most people think that all the content from ChatGPT sounds the same. That’s where SurferSEO comes in, It gives your content the right tone which has a much better impact on the resulting content.

On Surfer, in addition to creating an article from scratch, you can import an article from the web and change it according to your preferences. 

It has a fun auto-optimize feature that helps you improve your document in real time. You can also add outlines and headings with Surfer.

Write an SEO AI Blog With Me

Robot hands doing business project management on a laptop

Source: Freepik

We are conditioned to think that everything we write by hand is sure to be authentic. But that is not true. AI can create factually correct content that has a flow – just like a human writer. 

AI offers you a quick solution for your content writing requirements so you don’t have to spend hours writing the perfect document.

Moreover, if you start using AI Content for SEO, you will save time as well as money on each new project that comes your way. 

It is efficient and has a much better impact on boosting your business than working on each blog from scratch.

So, trust me when I tell you that creating an SEO AI blog is as easy as making – and then eating – a cake.

I will outline all the steps one at a time, so you can start working on your blog as you follow my lead.

Searching For Keywords

Before you start writing an article using an AI tool, you need to search for the high-ranking keywords for your article. We’ll start by writing an article about the best hotels in scenic tourist sites.

I will help you get started with the Google Keyword Planner.

  1. First, you will need to create an account by using your Gmail address. 
  2. Then, Google will ask you to define your business goals to create a campaign.
  3. The next step is to start searching for the keywords you want to write about.
  4. You’ll then need to add the words or phrases that you want to rank for. 
  5. Then, scroll down and click on “Get Results”.
  6. Finally, you’ll have three to five keywords for your desired niche.
Google keyword planner screenshot

Source: Google Keyword Planner

I did all of the above and got the top keywords I wanted: tourist sites including best resorts, top hotels, top resorts, and best vacation spots.

We will now use these keywords to create an outline for our blog.

Creating An Outline With ChatGPT

When you complete the keyword research, start building an outline. Let us put the keywords we found in ChatGPT and create an outline.

I asked ChatGPT to create an outline using the keywords that Google Keyword Planner generated.

ChatGPT Screenshot

ChatGPT provided me with a general outline of an article that covers all the topics related to tourism in and around resorts.

ChatGPT Screenshot

Getting The Content Written

If you are using ChatGPT to write the content of your blog, you must use it wisely. Write down the topic in the form of a question in the chat box.

I will ask ChatGPT to write an article based on the outline I made earlier.

ChatGPT Screenshot

ChatGPT created an article with three H2s and three H3s, making it five in total. However, you can see that there is no segue after the first H2 and the article just jumps onto the H3 without any explanation.

Article generated with ChatGPT

This AI-generated article is incomplete and does not present the facts in an authentic manner. It simply reproduces the information in its data set with complex sentences.

Moreover, you cannot make any changes to this article without asking ChatGPT to write a new one from scratch.

Adding Images

If the content of a blog appears as one row of text, you will start losing your audience. That is why you need images – to add a certain freshness to your content and keep the blog interesting.

I asked ChatGPT to add images to the article. I told the AI tool to use images that enhance the visual appeal of the article on the best tourist sites around the world.

ChatGPT screenshot

However, ChatGPT simply rewrote the article with the description of images without adding any pictures. Take a look for yourself and you will see the botched results.

Screenshot of ChatGPT not adding any images in the doc

On the other hand, AI Content SEO tools like Content Gorilla offer you two options to improve your SEO. The first one is to add featured images downloaded from various websites, while the second is to use AI-generated images.

Shaping The Final Article

As you reach the end of your article, you just have to iron out a few things. These include your blog’s tone of voice, punctuation, and grammar.

The tone of our ChatGPT article is better suited for professionals, whereas we want a conversational style for our blog.

Give your blog a thorough read and check the AI content SEO ranking as well as all the backlinks. If we use the ChatGPT article as-is, we will have to remove any phrases that seem redundant.

Moreover, we will have to make sure the subtext of the blog is apparent and helps you convey the right message.

Optimizing For Search Engines

The practice of adding keywords to a blog can seem like a simple task. However, SEO can be a smokescreen unless you check all the details thoroughly.

Check your article for the relevant keywords by running it through an AI Content SEO tool like INKforAll.

Let us run the article produced by ChatGPT through INKforall and check the SEO score.

INKforAll AI content SEO screenshot

The results show that the article has a 78% SEO score.

Not terrible.

However, for a high-ranking article, you will need to cross the mammoth 90% score.

We’ll see how to do that a little later, so hang in there.

Testing Readability

AI SEO content may use advanced vocabulary to build authenticity in the content. It is, therefore, important to check whether the content is suitable for people belonging to all backgrounds. Especially your target audience.

Always run your AI content through a readability checker, like the Hemingway Editor. It will help you create content that a seventh-grader can read easily – the reading level most high-ranking content aims for.

Take the content of your blog and paste it into the Hemingway Editor and it will highlight all the readability misses your content has.

Hemingway Editor screenshot for improving AI content SEO

I ran the article generated by ChatGPT through the Hemingway Editor and received a Grade 10 readability score.

Now that’s terrible.

Content Gorilla for AI Content SEO

Most content creation applications regenerate the same content again and again. AI collects information from the data it has available in its training dataset and finds the content you are looking for.

Then, the AI SEO blog writer cherry-picks the content for your blog. Users are thus confronted with an unclear combination of jargon and lexicon that isn’t beneficial for anybody seeking exact solutions.

The last sentence sounds almost…robotic, doesn’t it? Surprise, surprise – I paraphrased my initial sentence using an AI tool. Can you guess what it was originally?

This is a fact that we must face in the world of SEO content, but it does not have to be a constant. A new SEO AI writer has taken a different approach toward AI content production.

And that is Content Gorilla.

The use of Content Gorilla will boost your blog range within days because you can create content on a daily basis.

It takes the unique approach of using viral videos on YouTube. The Content Gorilla application takes the transcript of the YouTube video and creates multiple blogs from a single keyword.

With an arsenal of well-written blogs at your disposal, you will improve the overall ranking of your website. It will also help you build a presence on your blog and create a following.

I will take you along the best ride of your life as you learn each phase of creating content for your blog.

1. Signing Up For Content Gorilla

Sign up options for Content Gorilla

This is the easiest step of them all. Create an account on Content Gorilla and choose a plan that suits your requirements. You can start creating content on a regular basis with just one dollar.

Settle in and check all the features of this AI SEO writer. The next step is to integrate your WordPress account with Content Gorilla. By doing this you can publish your articles on your WordPress page without wasting any time moving between platforms.

2. Creating An Outline

We will put the same keyword that I put in ChatGPT in the blog outline generator by Content Gorilla. We will then see the outline we get with Content Gorilla AI.

Content Gorilla free outline generator

You can see that I got a much more detailed outline by using Content Gorilla AI’s outline generator.

Content Gorilla free outline generator

Thus the outline created by Content Gorilla has a better AI content SEO element than ChatGPT.

3. Using A Keyword To Write An Article

There are two ways to write an article with Content Gorilla: using popular YouTube videos related to your keywords or inserting your primary keyword into the “Keyword Content Writer”.

We’ll do the latter for now and circle back to the former in Step 4.

Content Gorilla screenshot for creating AI content

The Content Gorilla AI tool will search its database to find the relevant content for you. Now you have a draft that you can optimize for SEO. 

You can expand single paragraphs in a casual or professional tone. You can add punctuation marks and add images to give your blog a professional look.

4. Finding The Right YouTube Video

Content Gorilla AI tool homepage

If you don’t know why and how you are going to transcribe a video into a blog, then look no further. Search for the niche for AI content SEO that you want to explore and type it in the search bar.

As you can see I have typed in the keyword, “Best Tourist Sites In the World”. Content Gorilla AI gave me a list of YouTube videos that I can use for creating a blog.

I used a nineteen-minute long video to create an AI content SEO blog post consisting of 1787 words. The title of my blog has the exact same keywords that I am searching for.

3. Optimizing The Blog Post

Content Gorilla screenshot for creating AI content

Once you have selected the YouTube video of your choice, the Content Gorilla tool will convert it into a rough draft. This draft will have the complete text for a new blog post. 

You have the option of changing the title of the blog post. You can also use the built-in SEO checker to improve the SEO ranking of your blog.

When I clicked on the “Create Post” option, I got a draft containing all the content I needed for a seemingly well-researched blog post.

I could add headings, highlight the keywords in the text, or change them into bold or italics. Moreover, I had the option of replacing low-ranking keywords with longtail and high-ranking keywords for my blog.

4. Polishing The Content

Content Gorilla screenshot for creating AI content

The art of creating a blog requires precision. Now, you no longer have to correct each word, comma, or semi-colon by yourself. Content Gorilla AI will fix all the grammatical errors and create paragraphs in your content as well.

I created paragraphs and removed grammatical mistakes from the article.

And Voila!

I have a properly structured blog post that I can use for my website.

I can further improve the quality of the blog by adding H1s, H2s, and even H3s – all as I see fit. Moreover, I can highlight certain words and change the font of the blog in one place.

5. Beautifying Your Content

Content Gorilla AI screenshot for adding images

You have done everything to make sure your content comes off as exquisite. There is one more thing you need to do…add pictures. You have the ability to add as many images as appropriate for your blog to create a lasting impact on your readers.

Content Gorilla AI provides you with the option of using featured images. These are the images taken directly from the YouTube videos. 

On the other hand, you can create AI-generated images while editing your blog. This will give your blog an edge in the Google Search Console and boost impressions.

6. Checking Readability and SEO Ranking

We will run the blog created by Content Gorilla through readability and SEO checkers before we move toward publishing the article. This will help us see if we can get results different than those from ChatGPT.

I chose the article, “10 Best Tourist Sites To Visit In Europe” created by Content Gorilla and ran it through Hemingway for readability.

Hemingway screenshot for improving AI content SEO

The article got a readability score of Grade 6 which is a far cry from ChatGPT’s Grade 10 readability. 

You can see that the content is better organized when created through Content Gorilla and appeals to a wider audience. I ran the same article through Content Gorilla’s SEO checker.

A 92% score already – with suggestions to improve it.

Content Gorilla screenshot for AI content SEO

Then I ran it through InkforAll and I got a 92% SEO score again.

Inkforall screenshot for AI content SEO


That was a side-by-side comparison of ChatGPT and Content Gorilla AI. Clearly, the Content Gorilla AI content performs much better than the ChatGPT article due to its advanced programming and algorithmic developments.

7. Publish The Content

Content Gorilla AI screenshot for publishing a blog

Now that you have done everything to make sure your content is perfect, take the final step. Interlink your content with your social media platforms by using the Syndication option. Now move on to the “Publish” option.

Write down the name of your website in the space given below the website option. Select the category in which you want to publish the content on your website. You can also choose to integrate the featured images into your blog and publish your blog.

And, you’re done!

Wrap Up

The point of using AI content SEO tools is to save money. So, why not spend it on something that will provide value for your money?

Read: AI Content SEO tools.

AI SEO blog writers have come a long way in the last two years. And Content Gorilla AI is at the forefront.

These sophisticated machines help you create content that sustains the onslaught of content in Google searches. The keyword-infused articles rank higher than the run-off-the-mill content you see on each new website.

So, try your hand at the Content Gorilla AI to create content that will save you a ton of time and help you increase organic reach. Keep improving your content until it is simply flawless and you will see an increase in your blog content ranking for relevant keywords in no time.

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