Rapid, Quality AI Content Marketing: Another Reason You Need Content Gorilla AI

NeilBlog Post Idea Generator, Captions, Hashtags, Social media post generators Leave a Comment

Want to hyper-personalize your content marketing strategy and get more results with less effort, like me?

As a content marketer, I always seek ways to elevate my strategy and deliver even more value to my audience.

And let me tell you, the role of AI in content marketing is nothing short of game-changing.

It’s worth noting that 79% of top marketing executives report an increase in ROI using AI tools.

MarketingTech article's screenshot for AI in content marketing

Source: MarketingTech

Today, I’ll share my tried-and-tested AI content marketing tools.

Get ready to discover which tool is my favorite and why. What works, what doesn’t, and how you can apply these insights effectively.

But before that, let’s understand how AI works its magic.

Put simply, it learns from massive datasets in real time to answer four key questions:

  • What makes your prospects tick?
  • What are their pain points?
  • How have they responded to your previous solutions?
  • What personalized solutions can you offer, based on these insights?

That’s how artificial intelligence works in content marketing.

And the best part? It allows for more flexibility in your content strategy.

Now, time to bust a myth.

A balloon being burst with a needle as if busting a myth

Source: Freepik

There is a common misconception that leveraging AI means losing control over planning and creating content.

But I beg to differ here.

Integrating AI into your content marketing strategy doesn’t replace your expertise. Instead, it enables you to work smarter and faster by pushing the envelope.

Let’s explore how. 

Understanding the Role of AI in Content Marketing

Inspecting the role of AI in content marketing showed me that

We (humans) trust our instincts, whereas AI analyzes data for accurate forecasts or predictions.

AI tools can analyze trends and audience data to suggest relevant topics and formats. 

Once you’ve got a topic, AI can assist with research and content generation, saving you valuable time and effort.

Watching HighLevel’s podcast, ‘The Future of AI Content Marketing’ further cleared up the confusion. 

In it, Mark de Grasse stated that ‘AI makes good marketers’. He further added, ‘With AI, you can achieve results 10x better than without it’.

I wholeheartedly agree.

AI takes over the heavy lifting of thinking, saving you time and energy.

What used to take eight hours to complete can now be done in 50 (or even fewer) seconds, with more compelling ideas.

That’s why over 80% of marketers in a Capterra survey said that AI-generated content is as good (and beneficial) as human-generated content.

Key findings of AI in content creation

Source: Capterra

Not only that, Forbes states clearly that AI marketing will reach over $100 billion by 2028.

Screenshot of statictic regarding AI in content marketing

Source: Forbes

Overall, AI in content marketing offers numerous benefits, including improved accuracy and increased productivity. All of that helps you attract your targeted audience more effectively.

Top AI Content Marketing Tools

Ever thought about what makes an AI content marketing tool the best?

It’s a user-friendly interface, high-quality content generation, and seamless integration.

Ultimately, the goal is to make a content marketer’s job easier. 

Now, as promised, here’s my favorite pick – and other noteworthy AI content marketing tools.

Content Gorilla – Best AI Content Marketing Tool

Content Gorilla - AI content marketing tool

At the top of my recommendations is Content Gorilla AI

It is worth a closer look for anyone eager to streamline and automate their content marketing process. 

It plans, creates, optimizes, and publishes content for me – saving time while ensuring originality and top-notch quality. 

Interestingly, with just a bit of fine-tuning and a once-over of your content, you’re ready to roll!

Would you believe that Content Gorilla AI merely takes 40 seconds to convert a YouTube video into a blog? Let me add, an SEO-optimized blog post that ranks and resonates.

That’s next-level cool. 😎 

I love how it quickly writes a complete post with the ‘Keyword Content Writer’ feature. 

On top of that, it creates pillar content (aka long-form content) to establish you as an authority in your niche.

Explore how CG AI helps you create bulk content in no time! Its SEO optimization and content calendar features let you plan a year’s content by entering just a single keyword. 

Plus, CG AI packs a punch with these standout features: 

  • User-friendly interface
  • Flexible search feasibility 
  • Deep search filters
  • Support for 100+ languages
  • Automated keyword integration
  • Article rewriter
  • Built-in content editor
  • Auto punctuator
  • Content spinner
  • Auto images selection
  • Post tagging

Better yet, it offers free tools for generating social media hashtags, Instagram captions, blog post ideas, and outlines. 

If you’re using WordPress, Content Gorilla AI has you covered. With seamless WordPress integration, you can publish your content directly from CGAI. 

No need to juggle between platforms! Just create, optimize, and hit publish, all in one place. 

It’s that simple!

Who is Content Gorilla AI Best For?

Content Gorilla AI is a must-have for content creators, digital marketers, bloggers, business owners, and anyone else who’s busy and wants their content to be effortlessly managed.

Ready to boost your efficiency with this all-around tool?

Give Content Gorilla AI a try now — starting at just $1!

Check out the detailed plans and see the difference it can make for your marketing strategy!

Jasper AI

Jasper AI content marketing tool

Source: Jasper AI

The next AI content marketing tool on my list is Jasper AI. It has been making waves, and for good reason. 

Jasper offers a variety of templates to kickstart your writing process, saving you time and mental energy.

It’s undeniably fast, churning out drafts in minutes that might take hours with human writers.

Here’s what makes it even more worth exploring:

  • Customizable templates
  • Support for 30+ languages
  • Basic AI-generated images
  • SEO capabilities

That said, the quality of the output can be a bit hit-or-miss. And you’ll still need to do heavy editing to get the content to where you want it.

Who is Jasper AI Best For?

Jasper AI is great for content marketers, bloggers, and businesses. And you can get it for as low as $49 per month.

Surfer AI

Surfer AI content marketing tool

Source: Surfer AI

As someone who has navigated the SEO landscape, I can confidently say that SurferSEO stands out for its robust features and user-friendly interface.

Today, however, let’s zero in on its content marketing AI tool — Surfer AI.

It helps you craft content strategies based on data-driven insights and top-performing pages.

From the built-in content editor to the keyword research features, SurferAI has everything you need to create search-engine-friendly content.

One of the things that sets SurferAI apart is its ability to analyze your competitors’ content at a granular level. Plus, this tool brings you these standout benefits:

  • Support for 11 languages
  • Custom tone of voice
  • On-page optimization
  • AI content detection

Who is SurferAI Best For?

SurferAI is perfect for SEO professionals and digital marketers.

It offers several pricing plans to fit different needs and budgets. The basic plan starts at $89 per month, though, which is a little steep.


Copy.ai AI content marketing tool

Source: Copy.ai

Copy.ai is another solid option for AI content marketing. It is based on the GTM (go-to-market) strategy. 

This AI-powered platform uses machine learning to generate a variety of marketing content.

From website copy and social media captions to blog intros and product descriptions, Copy.AI has you covered.

For starters, it has a robust library of templates that cover just about every type of content you could possibly need.

Its user-friendly interface helps you get comfortable with it quickly. The text editor resembles a Google Doc, making it super easy to use.

Who is Copy.ai Best For?

Copy.ai is a good option for entrepreneurs, marketers, and content creators who need quick, quality copy.

The pricing starts at $49/month for the basic plan, with higher tiers available for more advanced needs.

How to Make AI Work for You in Content Marketing

According to Forbes Advisor, more than 70% of marketers are already using AI to boost their content. If they’re getting great results, why aren’t you?

Screenshot highlighting how many marketers use AI to accomplish content tasks

Source: Forbes Advisor

AI can revolutionize your content marketing approach in numerous ways. Want to see how?

Let’s dive into the 4 key ways AI can supercharge your content strategy.

1. Generate Fresh Content Ideas

Generating fresh content ideas is easier said than done. You need to hit your audience’s sweet spot.

That’s where AI shines.

In 2024, 61% of content marketers plan to use AI to brainstorm new content ideas.

Screenshot of  61% content marketers using AI for brainstorming ideas

Source: Springboard

This is one of the smartest decisions any content marketer can (and should) take.


Because it saves time and energy, offering unique, data-driven ideas.

AI analyzes trends and preferences, ensuring your topics are always on point and resonate with your audience.

Let’s take an example.

I use Content Gorilla’s Free Blog Post Idea Generator. It’s completely free and offers unlimited content ideas.

It’s a multi-purpose tool that not only provides good blog post ideas but also suggests SEO-friendly H1 titles and interesting blog names.

Just enter your target keyword, and it does the rest.

Content Gorilla Free Blog Post Idea Generator - Input and output

Need output in another language or a different tone? Select it.

Adjust the creativity level, click Generate AI text, and get results in seconds.

Want more ideas? Simply go back and rerun.

It’s as easy as 1,2,3.

Imagine a free, reliable tool giving you tons of trendy ideas to fill your content calendar and build an effective strategy. This is why I consider it a win-win use of AI for content marketing.

2. Create High-Quality Blog Content 

Now that you have blog topics at hand, the next step is to create a blog outline and high-quality content.

This is where AI comes in to turbocharge the process.

You might have noticed some tools don’t generate outlines at all, while others only provide an introduction or conclusion.

But I’m always on the lookout for smart ways to save time and effort.

That’s why I chose Content Gorilla, which not only creates a well-structured outline but also generates a complete blog post from it at lightning speed.

Content Gorilla Free Blog Outline Generator - Input and output

After reviewing the outline, I let the tool draft the post.

Content Gorilla post creation option

Then, I leverage its built-in grammar checker, content spinner, and SEO checker to polish the first draft.

With minimal tweaks from me, it’s ready to publish.

Quick Tip💡: For those in a hurry or looking for a blog centered on a single keyword, Content Gorilla’s Keyword Content Writer can generate a complete post with just one keyword input.

Content Gorilla Keyword Article Writer

Worried about the quality of AI-generated content? Don’t be!

The AI can tap into your brand voice and target audience to produce content that feels authentically YOU, with just a fraction of the manual effort.

3. Optimize Content for SEO

Did you notice something? After generating the blog post, we used the same AI tool to optimize it for SEO.

Generally, an AI SEO tool analyzes and adjusts keyword density, readability, meta descriptions, and post structure.

But Content Gorilla goes beyond that.

It finds and inserts internal links, boosting your post’s chances of ranking higher on Google and other search engines.

Plus, it suggests relevant images to enhance your content.

By leveraging AI for SEO, you save time and significantly increase your chances of staying ahead in search engine rankings and reaching a broader audience.

It’s like having a full-time SEO expert on your team, without paying the hefty salary. 💸💸

Learn how to navigate SEO and content marketing in the age of AI with our guide on AI content SEO.

4. Automate and Schedule Posting

As a content marketer, your days are likely packed with an endless to-do list, e.g. optimizing existing content, engaging with your audience on social media, and the list goes on.

Creating awesome content is one thing, but getting it in front of the right people at the right time is a whole different ball game. That’s where AI-powered automation comes to the rescue.

With AI tools like Content Gorilla, you can automate and schedule your posts effortlessly.

It frees you up to spend more time on the creative and analytical work that moves the needle for your business.

But that’s not all.

Imagine creating a year’s worth of blog posts in one go and letting the tool handle the rest.

All you need to do is schedule the content to post automatically. This ensures a constant flow of fresh material across your channels without needing to remember to hit ‘publish’ every time.

Content Gorilla Calendar Feature

It’s a game-changer that allows you to be more proactive and intentional with your content marketing efforts.

To put it simply, automation doesn’t just save time; it also helps you stay consistent. And consistency is key to building a loyal audience and climbing up those search engine rankings.

How to Use AI in Content Marketing the Right Way

While AI offers exciting possibilities for content marketing, it’s important to recognize its limitations and challenges.

Let’s break down major caveats and how you can tackle each one.

Robotic sounding content

A common concern about AI content marketing is: Will AI-generated content come across as robotic and impersonal? 🤔

And that’s a fair concern.

Using AI for content creation doesn’t mean skipping the human touch. Once AI drafts your content, add personal insights to make your content more natural and engaging.

Remember, AI accelerates your workflow by handling initial research and drafting, but it’s not a stand-in for your creativity.

Hence, consider AI as a supportive tool that makes your job easier — not as the main writer.

Lack of originality

Originality is the cornerstone of compelling content. Unique perspectives and fresh insights set great content apart from the rest.

While AI can streamline the writing process, over-reliance on it risks producing generic content, leading to a sea of sameness.

This not only bores the audience but also undermines the brand’s authority in its niche.

Moreover, it irks Google’s E-E-A-T framework which emphasizes authoritativeness and trustworthiness.

To navigate this challenge, masterfully edit AI-generated content to keep it polished and aligned with your brand.

A touch of human creativity goes a long way in maintaining originality and audience engagement.

Ethical concerns 

AI is reshaping content marketing, but it raises ethical concerns, especially around transparency.

Readers deserve to know when content is fully AI-generated to maintain trust and credibility. Failing to do so can mislead your audience, damaging your reputation and eroding trust.

So, it’s a good practice to prioritize transparency. Always disclose when content is created by AI and ensure it aligns with your values.

An even better approach is to mix AI with human expertise to produce high-quality content.

While AI can significantly boost productivity by handling the heavy lifting, it’s your responsibility to guide its use and ensure it complements rather than compromises your ethical framework.


Q. How to use AI for content marketing?

You can use AI to generate insights, create high-quality content quickly, and optimize it for SEO, driving better results and saving time.

Q. How to use AI to boost your content marketing impact?

AI tools help businesses analyze audience data, personalize content, and automate repetitive tasks, boosting efficiency and speed.

Q. How AI-branded content can help you make the most of your marketing?

AI-branded content tailors messages to your audience, accelerating production and reducing cost. But it’s essential to double-check accuracy and maintain a human touch.

Q. Can AI replace human efforts in content marketing?

Absolutely not. AI can’t replace human input in content marketing, as it lacks creativity and nuance. It simply helps streamline tasks, letting humans focus on strategic and creative work.

Final Thoughts

AI content marketing accelerates high-quality content at scale.

Put simply, AI can spark creativity and boost efficiency in content marketing. It quickly analyzes data and offers insights, making your process smoother and faster.

Yet, don’t forget — the human touch is still important. Together, AI and human expertise create a winning formula.

Use both to supercharge your content strategy and engage your audience more effectively.

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