Types of Headlines That Can Boost Your Blog’s Ranking

NeilBlog Post Idea Generator Leave a Comment

Imagine a house with spectacular window frames, intricately designed wooden doors, and a beautiful garden in front. But as you look closely, you realize that the house doesn’t have a roof. The headline of a piece of content has the same value as the roof of the house. It gives the shape and provides a cover to the structure of …

How to Write a Headline: Tips, Tricks, & 80+ Templates

NeilBlog Post Idea Generator Leave a Comment

We 100% agree with Will Rogers when he says “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Imagine you have only 3 seconds to make a first impression on your readers. These 3 seconds can make or break their decision to click your article or scroll past it. Do you know what helps them decide this? It’s …