Top 5 Profile Feature Article Examples That Inspire

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You scroll through social media and suddenly come upon a tagline about a celebrity. The social media post doesn’t provide you with the information you need. That’s when you turn to the best source you (should) know: profile feature articles.   Source: Freepik Readers dig their teeth into the details of a feature article until they know everything about the …

Feature Article Examples For Students That Inspire

NeilBlog Post Idea Generator Leave a Comment

Learning new things is fun, but for most students, it becomes dull because of the constant pressure to excel. And then there are special interests, journalism being one of them. Speaking of journalism, feature articles are a great way to explore this avenue. And feature article examples for students allow them to learn about a topic in a completely unique …

30+ Good Feature Article Topics to Try Today

NeilBlog Post Idea Generator Leave a Comment

Every blogger’s ultimate goal is to build a loyal, interactive audience. Feature articles are a powerful way to make that happen. Why? Because they thrive on subjects that are not only informative but also captivating and thought-provoking.  First things first: start with a compelling article topic. Do that and you’ll be on the right track. From there, focus on developing …

The Best Examples Of Feature Articles That Will Surprise You

NeilBlog Post Idea Generator Leave a Comment

When writing, writers seek to thoroughly examine every aspect of a topic. Some blog posts allow them to write whatever they want, whereas feature articles allow a writer to detail a tale and go deeply into the narrative. Now, you may be wondering what feature articles are and why they are so valuable. Source: Freepik Newspaper features started making an …