There’s no doubt every marketer pours time, effort, and creativity into their content marketing. But if that’s the case, why do only 20% of leads convert? It often comes down to not gathering the right data to understand how your content is performing. Without this data, it’s impossible to know if your efforts are actually paying off. Just like a …
Content Gorilla vs INK: Which AI Tool is Right for You?
Sure, using AI for content creation isn’t anything new, but finding the right tool for your needs? That’s where the rubber meets the road. Source: Giphy When we talk about AI content marketing, it doesn’t solely mean the ‘Content’. It’s an umbrella term that covers multiple other important aspects. The most important ones include bulk content generation, SEO, social media …
Google Keyword Rankings Explained: Achieve Better SEO Visibility
Not on Google’s page 1? That’s a serious problem, especially if you’ve been publishing for a while with no results. Here’s what’s really happening. ⬇️ Websites on page 1 capture a CTR of up to 39.8%, while those on pages 2 and 3 lag behind with just 18.7% and 10.2% CTR, respectively. Source: Backlinko The further down you go, the …
The Ultimate Guide to Repurposing Video Content with Content Gorilla AI
Single-channel marketing? That’s so 2010. Source: Pexels Today, smart marketers repurpose content for different platforms. Referral Rock asked marketers about this trend, and guess what? The results were eye-opening. A staggering 94% of marketers said they repurpose their content. The remaining 6%? They’re planning to start. Source: Referral Rock Why? Because repurposing content is a game-changer that maximizes reach and …
AI Content Strategy 101: The Future of Content Creation with Content Gorilla AI
I recently read a Forbes article claiming it takes 6-8 years of experience to become a marketing manager. It got me thinking — how astonishing is it that AI tools can match our qualifications in a fraction of the time? With their ability to consume and process massive datasets, they rapidly gain the qualifications we spend years attaining. As a …
Rapid, Quality AI Content Marketing: Another Reason You Need Content Gorilla AI
Want to hyper-personalize your content marketing strategy and get more results with less effort, like me? As a content marketer, I always seek ways to elevate my strategy and deliver even more value to my audience. And let me tell you, the role of AI in content marketing is nothing short of game-changing. It’s worth noting that 79% of top …
Advanced AI Content SEO with Content Gorilla AI: Climb to Google’s First Page
If you have seen futurist movies, you may think that AI is all about robots taking over the world. But as we have seen over the years, AI is not part of a dystopian world. It is an aid that helps us improve how we work and how we think about creating new content and software. AI Content SEO is …