60+ Self Care Instagram Captions For Me-Time

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Need a boost of self-love and positivity? Or perhaps, you may have neglected your health for some time?

Don’t worry, because we have something special – a bunch of heartwarming self-care Instagram captions designed to remind you of your worth.

Because, let’s admit it, loving yourself is where the real magic begins!

Life’s crazy, and we often forget to treat ourselves as kindly as we treat others. But guess what?

Our self-care captions for Instagram are here to gently nudge you toward a healthier relationship with yourself.

Whether you’re chilling with a good book, enjoying a spa day (heck yeah, bubble baths!), or chilling in the sun, we’ve got the words to match your mood.

From your inner zen to walking that self-love talk, these self-care Instagram captions aren’t just phrases – they’re reminders that you’re a total star who deserves the universe.

So, next time you’re brainstorming a caption, swipe through our stash, ’cause spreading self-love is as easy as a double-tap.

You can also take the help of our Free Captions Generator for some killer caption ideas for your next post!

Spread positive vibes, one post at a time, with our handpicked list of love-yourself Instagram captions. Your feed’s about to glow with self-love vibes, ’cause owning your shine is non-negotiable.

You’re so worth it!

Source: Pexels

Best Self Care Captions For Instagram

If you’ve drifted away from taking care of yourself, it’s now time to get back to loving yourself.

With these self-care captions for Instagram, you can post those body-positive pics and get some likes and attention from your followers too!

  • Take time out to rest, otherwise, your body decides when to. 
  • Boundaries and self-care are how you take your power back.
  • Taking a break from the world to protect my peace is self-care. 
  • Speak to your inner child with love and kindness.
  • “Keep good company, read good books, love good things, and cultivate soul and body as faithfully as you can.” — Louisa May Alcott
  • Make room for what brings you joy today.
  • A healthy mind and body start with self-care.
  • “I’ve finally stopped running away from myself. Who else is there better to be?” — Goldie Hawn
  • When you do your self-care routine, you’re giving your body a chance to rebuild.
  • Current status: distancing myself from bullshit.
  • It’s not your job to make everyone happy — you’re not an ice cream seller.
  • Remind yourself of the last time you got burnt out. Don’t repeat the same mistake.
  • When the body forces you to STOP, it’s saying, “Hey buddy, you’ve gone too far.”
  • Self-love starts and ends with you, dear. It’s on you.
  • Be yourself. An original is so much better than a copy!
  • “Our bodies are our gardens, to which our wills are gardeners.” — William Shakespeare
  • The best things in life are free, but try spending time with yourself — it’s a luxury that’s worth every second.

Healing Captions For Instagram

Working on your mental health is a huge investment. If you’re dealing with past traumas or just getting over something upsetting, here are some healing captions for Instagram that will help you in your journey.

Hope they remind you to pause and breathe and focus on the good things in life!

A woman meditating

Source: Pexels

  • “Smile, breathe, and go slowly.” —Thích Nhất Hạnh
  • Take time to fill your own cup before offering to pour into others.
  • The challenge is not to be perfect — it is to be whole.
  • Feelings are guests who will only come and go. Learn to honor them.
  • A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset.
  • Maybe if we start to put ourselves first, we will all heal.
  • Learning to say ‘no’ can be life-changing.
  • Healing is not linear. It might get better one day, and then worse another. Stay strong.
  • Tap into your magic.
  • Learning to love and care for myself, with lots of laughter and good vibes.
  • I don’t need you to understand. I’m taking care of myself.
  • Every flower blooms in time. So will you.
  • You are worth whatever amount of time you need.
  • Here comes the sun 🌞, here comes the rain 🌧, here comes the healing of your soul.
  • The universe will keep handing you the same lessons, the same relationships, the same type of love, and the same type of pain until you realize that the common denominator is you.
  • Flowers grow back even after the harshest winters, you will too.
  • “Grab a coffee. Journal your intentions. Get to work. Create miracles.” — Elyse Santilli
  • We are a part of nature and we deserve to rest, not work every hour of the day.

Self Care Day Captions

A woman with a facial mask for skincare

Source: Pexels

We all deserve a self-care day every now and then. It doesn’t have to be a luxurious spa day (although you deserve every bit of it!), but can just be doing something you love.

Maybe take our time for a calming hobby? And don’t forget to document your cute li’l self-care day with these meaningful captions for Instagram!

  • A spa day never hurt anyone. 
  • Take the day off to relax, you deserve it!
  • Self-care isn’t just a Sunday treat, it’s a daily ritual.
  • Best way to end the day? For me, definitely a hot bath 🛁 and a glass of wine 🍷
  • Need me some me time!
  • Self-care is the best care – beyond all doubt.
  • Giving myself permission to rest
  • Blessed, not stressed.
  • Self-care isn’t just taking care of your skin, but your mind, body, and soul.
  • A self-care love affair.
  • It’s okay to put yourself first sometimes.
  • An empty tank takes you nowhere.
  • Living mindfully and taking care of me.
  • Treating myself like the princess I am.
  • Manicures are how I cure my many woes. 
  • And on Sundays, we do nothing.

Short Self Care Captions

We hope our list of amazing self-care Instagram captions brings you closer to yourself. Spend quality time with yourself and protect your own heart — because nobody else will! Be extra picky about who you spend time with and soon, you’ll see yourself shining!

  • Ready to get zen.
  • Don’t let capitalism win!
  • Treat yourself every now and then.
  • Self-care is not selfish.
  • Learn to feel good in your own skin.
  • “I celebrate myself, and sing myself.” — Walt Whitman
  • I’m the best & enough for myself.
  • Less perfection-chasing. More self-trust.
  • Don’t let anyone else’s idea of happiness define your life.
  • Part of courage is simple consistency.
  • Put your own oxygen mask on first.
  • I love you but I got to love me more.
  • “It’s not your job to like me… it’s mine!” — Byron Katie
  • Leave her alone. She loves to be herself.
  • “Loving yourself isn’t vanity. It’s sanity.” — André Gide
  • Loving the way I feel today.
  • Care for yourself today and every day.

Source: Pexels


Remember, gorgeous souls, self-care isn’t just a buzzword – it’s a daily ritual of embracing your worth.

As you venture through these self-care and facial quotes for Instagram, let them be a gentle reminder that you’re a priority and your happiness matters.

With each caption you choose, you’re not just adding words to a post; you’re cultivating a garden of self-love in a digital world that thrives on authenticity.

So go ahead, let these Instagram captions about growth radiate positivity and self-kindness. Whether you’re having a spa day, taking a nature walk, or savoring a moment of quietude, let your words echo the sentiment that you’re worth the care and attention you give to others.

As you share your journey of self-discovery and well-being, remember that your story matters, and your commitment to self-love is an inspiration to others.

Keep shining, keep loving, and keep being unapologetically you with our healing captions for Instagram!

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