If you are a social media influencer or a person who actively uses social media – using health hashtags would be helpful for you. Health hashtags are popular on every social media because healthcare and fitness have been hot topics since the pandemic. We will help you find and use appropriate hashtags that will add value to your profiles and help you reach your goals.
Why Use Health Hashtags?
As a health enthusiast, if you want to take health counseling as a career or if you are at the developed stage of your job, you need a collection of hashtags that are specific to your niche to let people know of your work. Using health hashtags will:
- Increase your social media presence
- Attract potential clients
- People will get familiar with your work
- Enable your content to reach the right audience
Smoking Hashtags
As smoking is hazardous to human health, there are many hashtags associated with it. In addition to goals hashtags or hashtags for motivational quotes, you can use the following cherry-picked smoking-related hashtags:
Best Smoking Hashtags
- #stopsmoking
- #smokefree
- #quitsmoking
- #smokingcessation
- #healthylifestyle
- #healthyliving
- #lunghealth
Top 10 Smoking Hashtags

Easy Difficulty Smoking Hashtags
- #kickthesmokinghabit
- #smokefreelife
- #breathedeep
- #cigarettefree
- #tobaccofree
Popular Smoking Hashtags
Hashtag | Number of Posts |
#WorldNoTobaccoDay | 2,341,789 |
#NationalQuitSmokingDay | 986,234 |
#GreatAmericanSmokeout | 567,890 |
#stoptober | 1,234,567 |
Wellness Hashtags
Everyone wants to be fit and like to post about their journey of fitness on social media. If you are among one of them, use these hashtags:
Best Wellness Hashtags
- #selfcare
- #mentalhealth
- #mindfulness
- #wellbeing
- #healthandwellness
- #healthyhabits
- #fitness
- #nutrition
- #healthylifestyle
- #healthyliving
Top 10 Wellness Hashtags
- #wellnessjourney
- #wellnesstips
- #selflove
- #selfhealing
- #selfimprovement
- #selfawareness
- #holistichealth
- #healthylife
- #wellnesscoach
- #wellnessblogger
Easy Difficulty Wellness Hashtags
- #healthyhabitsdaily
- #wellnesswednesday
- #mindbodyspirit
- #eatclean
- #healthylifestylechoices
Popular Wellness Hashtags
Hashtag | Number of Posts |
#wellnesscommunity | 4.4 million |
#selfcarematters | 2.2 million |
#mindfulliving | 1.4 million |
#wellnesswarrior | 1.2 million |
#healthylivingtips | 1.1 million |
Healthcare Hashtags
There are a lot of hashtags related to health and self-care, some of the popular ones are;
Best Healthcare Hashtags
- #healthcare
- #healthnews
- #healthylifestyle
- #healthtalk
- #healthtips
- #healthandwellness
- #publichealth
- #medicalnews
- #medicalresearch
- #healthcareindustry
Top 10 Healthcare Hashtags
- #healthyliving
- #healthylifestylechoices
- #healthylifestyletips
- #healthcareprofessional
- #healthcaremarketing
- #healthcaretechnology
- #healthcareheroes
- #healthcarejobs
- #healthcaresolutions
- #healthcarequality
Easy Difficulty Healthcare Hashtags
- #healthylifehappywife
- #healthymindhealthybody
- #healthylifestylehabits
- #healthybodyhealthymind
- #healthylifestylegoals
Popular Healthcare Hashtags

Healthy Hashtags
Staying healthy is a goal for many of us. A lot of time we take up to follow influencers who share their daily routine for a healthy lifestyle. If you are in search of the right hashtags for your niche here you can use these hashtags to search for what you are looking for:
Best Healthy Hashtags
- #HealthyLiving
- #FitLife
- #HealthyEating
- #CleanEating
- #GetFit
- #HealthyChoices
- #Wellness
- #FitnessMotivation
- #HealthyLifestyle
- #HealthyFood
Top 10 Healthy Hashtags
Hashtag | Number of Posts |
#FitnessGoals | 12,870,015 |
#HealthyRecipes | 9,657,204 |
#FitnessJourney | 4,120,874 |
#HealthyHabits | 3,903,034 |
#HealthyBody | 3,683,789 |
#HealthyMind | 3,224,895 |
#HealthyLivingTips | 2,685,018 |
#HealthyMealIdeas | 2,575,460 |
#HealthyMindset | 2,358,479 |
#HealthyLife | 2,226,586 |
Easy Difficulty Healthy Hashtags
- #EatClean
- #NoExcuses
- #HealthySnacks
- #JustDoIt
- #FitnessAddict
- #StayHealthy
- #Fitspo
- #HealthyStart
- #HealthyHappiness
- #WellnessWednesday
Popular Healthy Hashtags
- #HealthAndFitness
- #HealthyLifestyleChanges
- #FitnessInspiration
- #HealthyBodyHealthyMind
- #HealthyLivingJourney
- #HealthyLivingRevolution
- #HealthyEatingInspiration
- #HealthyBodyHealthyLife
- #HealthyEatingLifestyle
- #HealthyLivingInspiration
Covid Hashtags Ideas
Some covid hashtags are:
Best Covid Hashtags
- #Covid_19
- #StayHome
- #SocialDistancing
- #WearAMask
- #CovidVaccine
- #CovidSurvivor
- #StaySafe
- #CoronavirusUpdates
- #FlattenTheCurve
- #WorkFromHome
Top 10 Covid Hashtags
- #TogetherApart
- #CovidSupport
- #FrontlineHeroes
- #CovidCommunity
- #StayHealthyStaySafe
- #CovidWarriors
- #CovidAwareness
- #InThisTogether
- #Covid19Pandemic
- #Covid19Response
Easy Difficulty Covid Hashtags
- #StopTheSpread
- #NewNormal
- #CovidLife
- #CovidSafety
- #StayStrong
- #VirtualEvents
- #MaskOn
- #HealthyAtHome
- #QuarantineLife
- #CovidLockdown
Popular Covid Hashtags

Funny Bachelor Party Hashtags
If you are planning to through a hilarious bachelor’s party these hashtags might help you;
Best Bachelor Party Hashtags:
- #BachelorParty
- #GroomSquad
- #PartyTillWeWed
- #LastFlingBeforeTheRing
- #BachParty
- #BrosBeforeHoes
- #HangoverWeekend
- #BachelorBash
- #GroomsmenGoals
- #OneLastRide
Top 10 Bachelor Party Hashtags:
Hashtag | Number of Posts |
#TeamGroom | 23,428 |
#GroomCrew | 68,201 |
#BachelorNation | 197,653 |
#BachelorPartyWeekend | 54,035 |
#GroomSquadGoals | 16,120 |
#BachelorPartyFun | 13,812 |
#StagParty | 101,962 |
#BoysTrip | 43,719 |
#GroomsLastBash | 9,567 |
#BachelorPartyIdeas | 19,304 |
Easy Difficulty Bachelor Party Hashtags:
- #PartyTime
- #CheersToTheBrideAndGroom
- #FriendsForLife
- #GoodTimesWithGoodFriends
- #GroomAndHisGang
- #NoWorriesNoDrama
- #HappyTimes
- #CantStopWontStop
- #PartyVibes
- #LifeIsShortEnjoyIt
Popular Bachelor Party Hashtags:
- #InstaBachelorParty
- #BachelorPartyGoals
- #BachelorPartyVibes
- #BachelorPartyMemories
- #BachelorPartyPictures
- #BrideAndGroomToBe
- #GroomsmenForLife
- #BachelorsNightOut
- #LetsParty
- #ForeverFriends
Funny Instagram Hashtags
Social media is usually for fun and enjoyment. If you are looking for some funny Instagram hashtags then here are some;
Best Funny Instagram Hashtags:

Top 10 Funny Instagram Hashtags:
- #InstaFunny
- #FunnyMemes
- #LaughingOutLoud
- #FunnyVideos
- #HumorDaily
- #ComedyGold
- #SillySelfie
- #JokesOfTheDay
- #FunnyFaces
- #HumorIsTheBestMedicine
Easy Difficulty Funny Instagram Hashtags:
- #FunnyPost
- #JustForLaughs
- #HumorMe
- #SillySaturdays
- #LaughingTogether
- #JokesOnJokes
- #ComedyCentral
- #SmileMore
- #TickleMyFunnyBone
Popular Funny Instagram Hashtags:
Hashtag | No. of Posts |
#InstaComedy | 1.5 million |
#InstaHumor | 1.3 million |
#InstaJokes | 1.1 million |
#FunnyIG | 2.2 million |
#LaughsOnLaughs | 37.6 thousand |
#HumorForDays | 127 thousand |
#SillySquad | 74.6 thousand |
#ComedyTime | 57.3 thousand |
#FunnyFriends | 71.2 thousand |
#SmileAlways | 117 thousand |
Funny Tags
Funny tags are used to add humor to your content. Here are some famous funny tags;
Best Funny Tags
- #SillySquad
- #LolzForDays
- #JokesterLife
- #SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
- #LaughOutLoud
- #ComedyGold
- #SillySaturdays
- #SillySundays
- #Punny
Top 10 Funny Tags
- #TooFunny
- #Hilarious
- #JokesOnJokes
- #LOL
- #FunnyAF
- #LaughingOutLoud
- #Jokester
- #SillySelfie
- #ComedyCentral
- #PunIntended
Easy Difficulty Funny Tags
Hashtag | No. of Posts |
#JustForLaughs | 1.7 million |
#MakingMemories | 1.1 million |
#KeepSmiling | 343 thousand |
#FunTimes | 2.2 million |
#HumorIsTheBestMedicine | 43.3 thousand |
#LifeIsAJoke | 55.8 thousand |
#GoodVibesOnly | 8.8 million |
#PositiveVibes | 6.1 million |
#NoFilterJustLaughs | 44.8 thousand |
#SmilingSquad | 32.9 thousand |
Popular Funny Tags
- #Funny
- #Humor
- #Laugh
- #Comedy
- #Jokes
- #Silly
- #Puns
- #LOLs
- #Haha
- #ROFLcopter
Funny Hashtags Ideas
Looking for funny hashtags ideas? Here are some;
Best Funny Hashtags
- #JustForLaughs
- #SillySaturdays
- #LaughingOutLoud
- #HumorIsTheBestMedicine
- #FunnyAF
- #JokesOnJokes
- #ComedyCentral
- #LifeIsAJoke
- #SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
- #Punny
Top 10 Funny Hashtags
- #TooFunny
- #Hilarious
- #JokesOnJokes
- #LOL
- #FunnyAF
- #LaughingOutLoud
- #Jokester
- #ComedyGold
- #PunIntended
- #SillySquad
Easy Difficulty Funny Hashtags

Popular Funny Hashtags
- #Funny
- #Humor
- #Laugh
- #Comedy
- #Jokes
- #Silly
- #Puns
- #LOLs
- #Haha
Hashtags for Weight Loss
We see many people share their weight loss journey on social media so that people out there can take inspiration from them. If you are the one sharing your journey or the one searching for such influencers use these hashtags;
Best Weight Loss Hashtags
- #weightlossjourney
- #healthyweightloss
- #fitfam
- #progressnotperfection
- #cleaneating
- #healthyhabits
- #weightlossmotivation
- #transformationtuesday
- #weightlosstransformation
- #beforeandafterweightloss
Top 10 Weight Loss Hashtags
Hashtag | No. of Posts |
#weightloss | 139 million |
#fitness | 413 million |
#healthylifestyle | 47.5 million |
#diet | 51.8 million |
#workout | 107 million |
#healthy | 96.6 million |
#weightlossgoals | 5.5 million |
#motivation | 97.8 million |
#nutrition | 28.4 million |
#exercise | 58.9 million |
Easy Difficulty Weight Loss Hashtags
- #losingweight
- #gettingfit
- #healthyeating
- #portioncontrol
- #waterintake
- #activelifestyle
- #homeworkout
- #healthycooking
- #mindfuleating
- #selfcare
Popular Weight Loss Hashtags
- #fit
- #weightlosscommunity
- #fatloss
- #healthyliving
- #cardio
- #eatclean
- #lowcalorie
- #healthymeals
- #eathealthy
- #caloriecounting
Funny Thanksgiving Hashtags
Thanksgiving is a festival of joy, meeting with grandparents and sharing lots of food. Fun automatically comes in when family and food are together. Here are some funny Thanksgiving hashtags to use;
Best Thanksgiving Hashtags

Top 10 Thanksgiving Hashtags
- #thanksgiving
- #pumpkinpie
- #thankful
- #fallvibes
- #thanksgivingdinner
- #turkey
- #thanksgiving2023
- #thanksgivingweekend
- #friendsgiving
- #holidayseason
Easy Difficulty Thanksgiving Hashtags
- #blessed
- #harvestseason
- #fallcolors
- #cranberrysauce
- #sweetpotatocasserole
- #homemadepie
- #cornucopia
- #pilgrims
- #thanksgivingparty
- #grateful
Popular Thanksgiving Hashtags
- #foodcoma
- #gratefulness
- #givethanks
- #thanksgivingfun
- #thanksgivingbreak
- #falldecor
- #friendsgivingdinner
- #happythanksgiving
- #thanksgivingeve
- #holidayfun
Would you like to generate the most relevant and the most popular health hashtags for your content? If so, make sure to try out our free hashtag generator today.

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