Google Keyword Rankings Explained: Achieve Better SEO Visibility

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Not on Google’s page 1?

That’s a serious problem, especially if you’ve been publishing for a while with no results.

Here’s what’s really happening. ⬇️

Websites on page 1 capture a CTR of up to 39.8%, while those on pages 2 and 3 lag behind with just 18.7% and 10.2% CTR, respectively.

CTR rates and Google rankings

Source: Backlinko

The further down you go, the worse it gets.

If your site isn’t ranking, your competitors are taking that traffic. It’s simple logic, but still catches people off guard.

Here’s the good news: getting your site to rank #1 in Google keyword rankings is absolutely possible.

All you need is a solid understanding of ranking factors and AI content SEO best practices.

Now, there’s a harmful myth going around — that keyword rankings don’t matter.

That’s false.

With Google processing 5.90 million searches every minute, competition for top spots is fierce.

Without strong Google keyword rankings, your site risks being invisible to the 75% of searchers who never go past page one.

Screenshot showing fact that 75% of people never scroll past the first page of search engines

Source: Sierra Six Media

Let’s get to the heart of why refining your keyword strategy is essential for maintaining strong online visibility and staying competitive in search rankings.

What Is Keyword Ranking on Google?

Keyword ranking on Google is the position your webpage holds in the search engine results for a specific query.

It’s a critical metric for marketers and content creators to significantly boost their website’s performance and ROI.

Remember, your goal isn’t just to churn out content. It’s to rank higher because higher Google keyword rankings lead to more visibility, clicks, and potential conversions.

The closer you are to the top, the better your odds of attracting organic traffic.

Now, the ranking itself is influenced by multiple factors.

Relevance, content quality, and site authority to name a few.

Get these right, and you’ll be set to climb the search rankings!

Example of a High-Ranking Keyword

Below is an example of one of the high-ranking keywords of Content Gorilla AI.

Screenshot of ranking keywords on Google's search engine result page

Source: Content Gorilla Blog

Content Gorilla AI’s keyword ’health blog name ideas’ ranks 3rd on Google. How did we do it? We’ll get to that in a jiffy.

Securing one of the top three spots boosts your chances of rapid growth in traffic and engagement.

Being in the top results builds credibility, making users more likely to trust your brand.

Optimized keywords can also improve your content’s discoverability, ensuring your insights reach the right audience effectively.

Why Do Google Keyword Rankings Matter?

GIF of the thinking emoji revolving

Source: Giphy

For marketers, understanding keyword ranking is very important. That’s because it directly impacts how potential customers find your business.

Moreover, no webpage can hold the rank 1 on Google for infinity! ♾️

If you don’t understand the dynamics of keyword rankings, advanced and user-friendly content can easily push your articles down the list.

Staying on top means constantly adapting and improving.

It’s a no-brainer!

Investing in improving your site ranking is investing in better visibility and growth.

Here are five key reasons why Google keyword ranking matters most for your site.

1. Help measure SEO success & keyword performance.

Tracking your Google keyword rankings over time is a straightforward metric to measure your SEO progress.

This progress helps you gauge how well your content performs over time.

Are your target keywords getting the traction they deserve on the SERPs? If so, your SEO strategies are working awesomely.

If not, you need to re-evaluate your approach.

By focusing on tangible outcomes, you can allocate resources effectively, ensuring every $ spent on SEO drives real (and expected) results.

When done right, this ensures you’re not just in the game but ahead of the curve!

2. Identify high-value keywords for better focus.

Google keyword rankings reveal which terms drive meaningful traffic to your site.

That said, you don’t have to rank for every single keyword you’re targeting in your content strategy.

!!!Identify high-value keywords!!!

Here’s a simple formula to do so.

See which ones offer higher search volume, lower competition, and greater potential for traffic and conversions.

Put simply, focus on what truly moves the needle! That’s it.

Instead of casting a wide net, pinpoint specific keywords that have significant search volume and resonate with your audience’s intent.

When you know where to concentrate your efforts, you increase your chances of attracting more qualified traffic and improving your website’s ROI.

In short, high-value keywords guide your focus toward what truly matters.

3. Detect ranking drops and signal algorithm changes.

Sudden drops in keyword rankings can be indicative of algorithm changes, shifts in user behavior, or even potential issues in your site.

In most cases, it happens when Google updates its algorithm(s). It leads to dramatic changes in search rankings for most websites.

Don’t worry — it’s completely manageable.

All you need to do is keep an eye on your Google keyword rankings closely. This helps you detect these drops early and take preemptive action.

To expand on this, if you notice a decline, it’s time to investigate proactively, e.g:

  • Are your competitors gaining ground?
  • Is your content still relevant?

Addressing such questions can help you get the right idea about what to do.

In essence, whether it’s tweaking your content, improving backlinks, or optimizing for UX, understanding ranking changes is necessary.

4. Guide content strategy based on ranking insights.

Analyzing which keywords are performing well helps you tailor your future content to align with audience interests.

This means creating more of what resonates with them and less of what doesn’t.

Moreover, you can identify content gaps, where your competitors may be excelling but you’re lagging.

This data-driven approach ensures your content remains relevant and engaging, leading to higher rankings, increased traffic, and ultimately more $$.

To sum it up, leveraging ranking insights can help you craft a more effective, audience-focused AI content strategy.

5. Improve competitive edge by monitoring keyword positions.

Your competitors are also trying to rank for the same keywords as you. No surprise there.

But regularly monitoring your keyword positions and comparing them to your competitors’ rankings can give you a competitive edge.

What if you notice that your competitors are starting to outrank you for certain keywords? You can take steps to improve your content and SEO strategies to regain your position.

It helps you find opportunities to optimize underperforming content or invest in new topics that align with trending searches.

Not only this, but you also can focus on unique angles or niches they may have overlooked.

By staying informed, you can outmaneuver the competition and ensure your content not only ranks well but also connects deeply with your target audience.

This proactive stance keeps you ahead of the competition plus strengthens your overall market position.

Understanding How Google Keyword Rankings Work

The key to understanding Google keyword rankings is understanding relevance.

Google uses complex search algorithms (or systems) to determine which content best matches a user’s search intent.

It evaluates 200+ factors to determine your position on the SERP. These factors include user-friendly content, image optimization, and high-quality backlinks.

Alongside these factors, Google frequently refines its ranking criteria through core updates.

With constant algorithm updates and shifting SEO practices, staying informed is key.

Marketers and content creators must now focus on delivering quality, relevant content to keep up with these changes.

Let’s explore in detail the answer to ‘How does my website rank in Google’, using a no-nonsense approach.

Google’s Search Algorithm: A Quick Overview

Crawling and indexing illustration

Source: Freepik

Google’s search algorithm is particularly designed to retrieve data from its index and deliver the most relevant results to users.

It begins with crawling, where bots or spiders scour the internet to scan new or updated content.

Next, Google organizes the gathered information in its massive database consisting of billions of web pages.

This is known as indexing. In layman’s terms, it stores the new data there as well for quick retrieval.

Interestingly, the search algorithm also uses various signals to rank pages.

Some prominent signals are keyword relevance, authority, and user engagement metrics.

Not only this, but technical SEO signals, e.g. backlinks, page speed, and mobile-friendliness are also considered equally important in rankings.

For marketers, focusing on both content relevance and technical SEO ensures a better chance of being indexed and ranked effectively.

What The E-E-A-T Framework Means for SEO

How E-E-A-T Works

E-E-A-T is an advanced version of E-A-T.

Previously, Google judged content quality using the E-A-T formula, e.g. Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Recently, it added a new element — Experience — to this formula, making it EEAT.

Now, it is Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

This formula helps Google assess the ‘credibility’ of websites and content creators as:

  • Experience demonstrates first-hand knowledge.
  • Expertise shows you know the subject you’re writing about.
  • Authoritativeness is how others recognize your credibility.
  • Trustworthiness means you’re a reliable source.

These factors directly impact SEO rankings, especially in YMYL (Your Money, Your Life) niches like finance and health.

For instance, a health article written by a medical professional will rank higher than one by an unverified source.

In short, Google prioritizes content that demonstrates these qualities or principles.

To adapt EEAT or Double-E-A-T effectively, ensure your content is backed by research.

Moreover, it should feature expert opinions and have authoritative sources or backlinks from reputable sites.

Core Updates and Their Impact on Keyword Rankings

Google core updates illustration

Source: Freepik

Do you know core updates can shake up your Google keyword rankings in a big way?

That’s why it’s important to have a solid understanding of these updates.

But wait, what are exactly these core updates?

Google periodically releases major updates to its search algorithm, known as core updates.

They are significant algorithm changes that can reshape keyword rankings overnight.

During these updates, Google evaluates and adjusts how it ranks content, often focusing on quality and relevance.

Their basic aim is to improve the overall quality of search results by rewarding websites that provide high-quality, relevant, and informative content.

If your site sees a drop in rankings, it’s not necessarily a penalty, but it indicates that your content may no longer meet Google’s updated standards.

To stay on the safe side, review content quality, EEAT signals, and whether your pages address user needs effectively.

In simple terms, focus on creating valuable, user-centric content that aligns with Google guidelines.

Stay agile plus be ready to adjust content after each update for sustained rankings.

By focusing on these elements, marketers and content creators can enhance their SEO strategies and improve their keyword rankings.

How to Check Keyword Rankings on Google

There isn’t a single ‘best’ way to check your Google keyword rankings.

If you prefer digging into the detailed insights, manual checks are perfect.

Want to save some time?

Google Search Console works great.


If time flies (like it always does for me), AI tools are a real lifesaver. They save you tons of effort and precious minutes.

Below, I’ll go over each method in detail and share the top tools I recommend for tracking your keyword rankings with maximum efficiency.

1. Manually Check Keyword Rankings

This is the most simple yet time-consuming way to check your keyword ranking.

But wait, sometimes you see in your search results exactly what you want to see, right?

This is personalization, where Google uses your location, browsing history, and search settings to tailor search results.

Such an approach can skew accuracy.

Google's personalized approach for user feed

Source: Google Search

To avoid personalized (or context-based) results and see the actual Google keyword rankings, go incognito!

It’s a 3-step process.

  1. Open Google in an Incognito window. (💡 Press Ctrl+Shift+N).
  2. Type in your target keyword.
  3. Scroll through the search results (until you find your website).

The position it holds in the search results is its ‘ranking’. Repeat the process for the different keywords you want to track.

Here’s an example to understand the process better.

Let’s say you’re the owner of the Houston-based pet grooming services store named ‘Heights Pet Grooming’. Now, you want to check your Google keyword ranking.

You’ll open Incognito mode in your browser. Next, you’ll enter a keyword, ‘pet grooming Houston’ and get top-ranked results on Google.

Count them one by one until you find yours!

Google keyword rankings for the keyword "pet grooming Houston"

It’s a Yay moment if you find your store name in the top 5 results.

Because these search results bring the most business.

While this method works and is free, it’s not scalable for tracking multiple keywords over time. It just gives you a raw look at where your content stands NOW.

2. Using Google Search Console

Here’s another effective method for how to see where you rank on Google.

Google Search Console (GSC) is a free tool that provides valuable insights into your website’s performance in Google search results.

To check your keyword rankings using Google Search Console:

  1. Sign in to Google Search Console.
  2. Select the property (website) you want to analyze. Here, you’ll see the keywords your site ranks for (along with their positions).
  3. Click on the ‘Performance’ tab in the left-hand menu and select ‘Search Results’.
  4. Use the search bar or filters to get the results for top-ranking keywords.
  5. Track keywords over time and see trends.

For example, here’s a real-life screenshot of Content Gorilla’s top-performing pages over a period of almost three months — the top three pages garnered over 1.5 million impressions and just over 30k clicks!

Content Gorillas' Google Search Console results showing top Google keyword rankings

While that’s a feel-good stat for us folks at Content Gorilla, it’s much more than that; it’s a goldmine of data. Plus, these insights come straight from Google, which means no guesswork.

I mean what better way to assess the current performance of your keywords than by using Google’s own tool?

The only downside is the limited range. Yes, it shows data only for up to 1,000 keywords.

Still, it’s invaluable for spotting trends and identifying high-performing keywords.

3. Best Keyword Ranking Tools to Use

Tracking keywords manually can only take you so far.

While GSC is a great starting point, to streamline your process, you’ll need the help of automated keyword ranking tools.

That’s because these tools give you deeper insights, track changes over time, and provide competitor analysis.

Let’s check out 4 of the best tools for the job.


Ahrefs - Keyword rank tracker for better Google keyword rankings

Source: Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a powerhouse for keyword tracking, especially if you’re after robust data.

With their rank tracking feature, you can monitor your keywords across multiple locations.

Enter your specific keywords and the domain or URL to get a detailed report. It will include historical data, SERP features, and more.

Building on the same pet store example from above, I got the following report by paying $0 to Ahrefs.

Ahrefs keyword rank tracker in action for better Google keyword rankings

This tool also shows you how your competitors are ranking. It’s like having a spyglass into their strategy.

Plus, the interface is super user-friendly.

You can track up to 10,000 keywords without feeling overwhelmed.

Interestingly, its keyword rank checker is free.

If you want an all-in-one SEO solution, Ahrefs is your go-to tool.

For premium features though, it starts at $129/mo – a bit pricey. However, the depth of data optimization justifies the billing cost.


SEMrush - Website position tracker for better Google keyword rankings

Source: SEMrush

SEMrush is another industry favorite SEO tool with a solid rank-tracking feature.

It offers a user-friendly interface and robust features like position tracking, site audits, and keyword research.

You need to log in first to the tool to check Google keyword rankings. Once you log in successfully, you can accomplish the following:

  • Track daily keyword rankings (locally and nationally).
  • Get competitor insights and keyword gaps.
  • Monitor ranking volatility to stay ahead of trends.

SEMrush reports are easy to understand and actionable. That said, it doesn’t always accurately give traffic analysis data.

But what sets it apart is its ability to reveal new keyword opportunities. Plus, it integrates well with other marketing tools, enhancing its utility.

Moz Rank Tracker

Moz Keyword Rank Tracker for better Google keyword rankings

Source: Moz Rank Tracker

Moz’s Rank Tracker makes it easy to check your keyword performance over time.

It allows you to monitor your position for various keywords and see how rankings change.

That makes it ideal for long-term SEO strategies. Moz also provides custom reports, making it easier to share insights with stakeholders.

The best part?

It also includes data on mobile rankings, which is crucial in today’s mobile-first world.

Also, Moz’s community and resources are a plus, making it easier for beginners to get started.

While the rank tracking alerts can sometimes be frustrating, overall, it’s a great tool for marketers who want clear, actionable data without the fluff.

Rank Tracker

SEO PowerSuite’s Rank Tracker for better Google keyword rankings

Source: Rank Tracker

Rank Tracker by SEO Powersuit is another powerful tool that offers a lot of bang for your buck.

It allows you to track unlimited keywords and provides ranking data from 550+ search engines, e.g. Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

Rank Tracker’s flexibility makes it a favorite among marketers looking for tailored solutions.

It is highly customizable, letting you fine-tune tracking based on your SEO goals.

The tool also provides insights into keyword difficulty and search volume, though it can be slow at times.

Suitable for large campaigns, it’s an ideal solution for SEO pros who want detailed data on their keyword performance.

Next, I’ll address one of today’s most pressing questions: How to rank higher on Google?

Brace yourself for some amazing suggestions and hacks!

Getting the Best Google Keyword Ranking Possible

Let’s say, you check your Google keyword rankings and notice they’re not doing so great.

What now?

Most marketers stress out, beating themselves up about how to rank high on Google.

Trust me, it’s nothing to fret over!

At this point, you should understand that marketing takes time. Plus, there will be ups and downs along the way.

But it doesn’t mean to let your content languish on Google’s 2nd or 3rd page.

Your job is to keep tweaking your strategies to continuously secure the top spot on Google.

So, instead of stressing, get ready to put on your strategic planning hat.

Jot down the keywords that aren’t performing well, then try any of the following strategies to get them back on track.

These are basically the tips to help you understand how to rank on Google (better)!

1. Monitor Keyword Performance Regularly

Is it enough to just select your keywords, create content for them, and hope for the best?

No, it’s not.

You gotta keep a close 👀 on how your selected keywords are performing currently.

Honestly, keyword tracking is like a GPS for your SEO efforts. It keeps you on course so you don’t get lost in the complex world of SEO.

Use any of the tools we discussed above to notice which ones are driving traffic and which are flopping.

Keeping a regular check on your keywords’ performance lets you tweak your strategy then and there (if needed).

For example, if a certain keyword is tanking, consider swapping it out or tweaking your content.

Always stay on your toes and trust the real data (not your gut!) to make necessary changes in your strategy.

Remember, marketers need to be super fast because the digital world is changing more rapidly than ever.

2. Conduct Competitor Keyword Analysis

Knowing what your competitors are up to is a big advantage.

It’s your golden chance to outshine your rivals.

On a lighter note, competitor keyword analysis feels the same to me as peeking at the neighbor’s test answers.

Now, analyzing their strategy doesn’t mean copying it as-is. However, this analysis allows you to identify gaps in their approach and how can you fill them.

Simply put, look for keywords they’re missing or areas where you can swoop in and provide more value.

View their top-performing pages and analyze their backlink profiles.

Okay, I’m going to share my secret strategy here with y’all.

Look for high-traffic keywords they might be missing, and consider long-tail keywords that are less competitive.

3. Ensure Your Pages Are Properly Indexed

For any SEO strategy to succeed, proper indexing is non-negotiable.

If Google can’t find your pages, they won’t rank and all your hard work is wasted.

Does this mean you need to spend hours of your valuable time manually indexing your pages?

Absolutely not.

Then, what to do to make sure your pages are crawlable and indexed correctly?

I asked myself the same question a few months back, searching for a solution to this issue. Then I found another brilliant solution from Content Gorilla AISEOGuard.

SEOGuard by Content Gorilla AI for better Google keyword rankings

Source: SEOGuard

No more indexing pages manually or hiring anyone to do it for you.

Instead, with a little investment, you can leverage CGAI’s automated system.

This smart system automates the indexing process. It detects the new and old pages on your site to get them indexed within 48 hours only!

Yes, it’s that efficient. This is why when I found it, I audibly uttered Woohoo!

With amazing features like bulk indexing, auto-indexing, and real-time monitoring, you can focus on crafting great content while SEOguard handles the back-end work.

This means your hard work won’t get lost in cyberspace.

The sooner your pages are indexed, the sooner you can start ranking and raking in traffic.

4. Optimize On-Page SEO Elements

On-page SEO is your first line of defense for better SERP rankings.

This includes your title tags, headers, and meta descriptions. Incorporate your target keywords naturally within these elements, but avoid keyword stuffing.

Also, pay attention to image alt texts and URL slugs. Use internal linking to guide users and search engines through your content.

Concentrate on how users search on Google and what they want to see.

The easier you make it for Google to understand your content, the better your chances of ranking higher.

Small changes can lead to big results, so keep optimizing (and winning)!

5. Create High-Quality, Relevant Content

Creating high-quality content is the holy grail of SEO.

Google loves in-depth, informative content that truly satisfies search intent.

But what does the term ‘search intent’ mean?

It means understanding what are users really looking for when they type in a keyword. Or what their intent is when they ask Google a specific query.

Actually, your audience is looking for specific answers, and if your content isn’t relevant, they’ll bounce.

Hence, ensure your content answers these questions thoroughly. Focus on providing value.

Also, if your content is relevant + insightful, visitors are more likely to engage and share.

Remember, Google’s algorithms reward content that meets user needs. Quality matters — don’t forget that!


Q. What is a good keyword ranking on Google?

A keyword ranking in positions 1-5 offers a high chance of generating valuable traffic, as most users click on these results first.

Q. How to check keyword ranking in Google Analytics?

Google Analytics doesn’t show direct keyword rankings. But you can link it to Google Search Console (GSC) to track how your keywords are performing in search results.

Q. How to improve keyword ranking in Google?

Research relevant, on-brand keywords, create high-quality content, and improve on-page SEO elements like meta tags and headings.

Q. How to rank higher on Google search?

To rank higher, focus on building domain authority (DA) through content marketing plus high-quality backlinks. Also, pay attention to improving user experience metrics.

Q. How to rank first on Google search?

You can achieve the #1 position on Google by targeting long-tail keywords with less competition. Focus on optimizing for featured snippets, earning authoritative backlinks, and improving your site’s SEO.

Q. How long does it take to rank first on Google search results?

Ranking first on Google can take anywhere from 3-6 months. It greatly depends on keyword competition and the quality of your SEO efforts.

In a nutshell…

To climb to the top of Google’s search results, you need a solid AI content marketing strategy.

Out of many ranking factors, the #1 on-page SEO ranking factor is keywords.

Now, achieving top Google keyword rankings isn’t just about using them in your content once and for all.

It’s more about a holistic approach, i.e. tracking or analyzing the performance regularly and optimizing your strategy when needed.

Whether you’re using Search Console or tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs, the key is staying proactive.

Focus on ranking high-value keywords, adapt to Google’s updates, and you’ll see steady gains in organic traffic.

Indexing is often the main issue behind poor rankings. Use SEOGuard to automate and speed up indexing for faster results.

Now’s the time to take control of your rankings and let your content rise to the top.

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