“We spend a lot of time designing the bridge, but not enough time thinking about the people who are crossing it.” Dr. Prabhjot Singh The process of designing requires a creative mindset. Dr. Prabhjot’s quote on designing a bridge also applies to the process of setting up a website. People spend a lot of time trying to choose top blog …
HubSpot Blog Themes That Will Dazzle Your Audience
HubSpot is a huge marketing platform and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. In addition to marketing tools, HubSpot blog themes are an amazing resource for your business. If you are searching for free blogging templates, then HubSpot is the place to start. Source: Freepik You have the option to design your landing page and create a blog with HubSpot’s features. …
Fam-mazing Family Blog Name Ideas for Your New Blog
77% of internet users read blogs. That’s a massive audience just waiting to connect with you. If you’re considering starting a family blog like the other popular family blogs, now’s the perfect time. But here’s the kicker: most people overlook one crucial thing — not picking the right one from a hoard of family blog name ideas. Picking a compelling …
How Do Minimalist Blog Templates Increase Your Reach?
“Minimalism is not a lack of something. It is simply the perfect amount of something” Nicholas Burroughs Light hues and lack of clutter are said to have a calming effect on your mind. Minimalist blog templates create a similar feeling for readers. These blogging templates have a remarkable effect on your blog’s performance as well. The simple designs, soft colors, …
Stunning Photography Blog Templates That Will Surprise You
Photography is all about catching the right angle, and photography blogs do a really good job and capturing that fact. And what captures the essence of photography blogs? Photography blog templates! Source: Freepik Some blogging templates may not give you the right exposure or color schemes. However, the right photography blogging templates allow your photos to shine through the screen. …
When and How to Use Question Headlines for Maximum Impact?
“The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.” Thomas Berger Starting an article with a question headline shows the content is ready to challenge the reader’s perceptions. If you saw the headline, “Is Climate Change Really Happening?”, you probably know the answer to that question. Source: Freepik That’s how, in the world of blogging, question …
How to Create Effective Blog Forms: Tips and Templates
Did you know that 1 in 5 readers actually finishes reading a blog post from start to finish, while the other 4 just glance at the headline? This means that the 20% who read your content are highly interested in what you have to offer. Of course, by following the blog writing best practices, you can increase this ratio and …
Top News Blog Templates To Boost Your Website
Newspapers discuss a variety of topics, including sports, politics, social reform, and women’s societal role. That is why selecting the right news blog template is so important for electronic newspapers. By adding colors and images, you can make your newspaper blog an exciting source of information. You can save time designing your blog by choosing an attractive news blog template. …
Informal Blogs That Add A Spark To Your Life
Blogging is the practice of sharing your ideas with the world. They can be as formal or informal as you like. Informal blogs usually help you consider all the elements of life lightly. Another name for an informal blog is the well-known personal blog as it discusses the most intimate parts of your life. Source: Freepik There are endless possibilities …
AI Content Strategy 101: The Future of Content Creation with Content Gorilla AI
I recently read a Forbes article claiming it takes 6-8 years of experience to become a marketing manager. It got me thinking — how astonishing is it that AI tools can match our qualifications in a fraction of the time? With their ability to consume and process massive datasets, they rapidly gain the qualifications we spend years attaining. As a …