Write Stellar News Articles With or Without AI News Article Generator

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Do you want to stay updated about what’s happening in the world? You should definitely be reading news articles regularly (or craft some using an AI news article generator). They’re these tasty little nuggets keeping readers appraised with the latest facts and events. They deliver current info, whether it’s about social events, scientific developments, or political issues. 

Graphic of newspapers, a palm leaf, and a pair of glasses

Source: Freepik

Are you curious about how to write a news article? You’ve come to the right place. This article will guide you to craft compelling news articles not only by yourself but also in less than a minute by using an AI-powered news article generator. Let’s start by understanding the anatomy of a news article.

Anatomy of a News Article

We’ll delve into the basic elements of a news article, including headline, body, and ending.

Inverted Pyramid Structure of News Articles


A news article starts with a catchy and attention-grabbing headline. It should answer the 5Ws in this order: Who? What? When? Where? Why? That’s how it provides the most important facts first and encourages a reader to read further. Let’s understand it with the help of an imaginary example. 

Japan Shaken: Earthquake Last Night Killed 10, Injured 95.

This headline gives the readers a glimpse of:

  • Who was involved — Japan 
  • What happened — Earthquake
  • When it happened — Last night
  • Where it happened — Japan 
  • Why it matters — Killed and injured people


After a catchy headline comes the body. It provides supporting facts and contextual details. Do you know that the body of news articles generally is written in an inverted pyramid structure? It means the most important (must-to-know) information is presented first. It is then followed by supporting facts and additional details.

For instance, the body of the news article about the earthquake could include information on the magnitude of the earthquake, where it originated, its depth, etc.


The endnote in a news article is also known as the tail. It is the final part where the writer provides the background and future possibilities of the news/ story.

For instance, the ending of the news article about the earthquake could include any of the following: 

  • History and frequency of earthquakes in Japan.
  • Preparedness and resilience of the Japanese people.
  • Potential impact of the earthquake on society and economy.

This news blog template can be of great help to all the news article writers out there!

How to Write a Fantastic News Article 

News background image highlighting different news topics

Source: Freepik

Next, we’ll explore the invaluable tips for writing a great news article.

Choose a recent and newsworthy story or event.

First, select a timely and newsworthy event that will interest your readers. Look around your locality for newsworthy events that you could cover. Or, hop on the bandwagon for a popular story doing the rounds.

Ask the right questions.

The next step is to ask the right questions about your chosen story. Ensure you cover the 5 Ws (Who? What? When? Where? Why?). It’s time to find answers to these questions by interviewing sources and conducting research.

Make sure your research is credible, thorough, updated, and accurate.

Now that you gathered the answers to the questions, it’s time to cross-check the information. Take help from multiple reliable and up-to-date sources to verify facts. By doing so, you maintain the credibility of your article.

Write a rough draft with facts and quotations.

Using the key details you’ve compiled, draft your news article following the inverted pyramid structure. Start with the most important information, then include less important information. Another approach to creating a draft is to use a headline, body, and ending format. 

Refine and publish.

The last and final step is to revise and polish your draft. Ensure it is clear, concise, and error-free before publishing it for your audience.

What is an AI News Article Generator?

Illustration of People Using an AI News Article Generator

Source: Freepik

An AI news article generator automatically creates news articles based on a given topic, keyword, or even a headline. Like all other AI blog generators, it uses natural language processing and machine learning techniques. let’s see below how to use it easily:

  • Log in to the tool.
  • Input the news topic you want to create content for in the requirements field.
  • Select the tone of the article to be generated. And adjust other settings (if any).
  • Wait for the tool to search for relevant information in its vast databases.
  • Wait for a few seconds and ta-da! You’ll get a news article crafted for you.

This tool offers a lot of benefits. For instance, it helps you save time by automating the writing process. You don’t need to spend money and effort on content creation anymore.

Popular AI News Article Generators

Different AI news article generators are available online. Some are free while others have paid plans. We’ll analyze the top three below.


Writecream's home page

Source: Writecream

Writecream helps you craft compelling news articles with ease in a single click. This tool presents itself as a free content generator for news articles that offers you endless customization, various writing styles, appropriate citations, etc. 


ASKtoAI's home page

Source: ASKtoAI

ASKtoAI is another innovative news article generator AI. It lets you generate news on any topic in just a matter of seconds. While it has a limited free plan, its paid services start at $13.30/mo. Using this versatile and customizable tool, you can create a report or summary for any news topic you want.


Elai.io's home page

Source: Elai.io

Elai.io is here to help you create video-based AI news articles for $1.54/minute. You can experiment with different avatars, suitable voice-overs, and even music the tool provides you. It saves you time, budget, and effort in crafting visual news pieces. 


News articles help us understand what’s going on in the world and stay well-informed. But understanding what makes up a news article and how to craft an exceptional one is arguably even more important. Whether you choose to craft one yourself or use an AI news article generator to do the heavy lifting for you, make sure you believe in what you write and ensure its accuracy.

For any blog form, try using our cutting-edge Free Blog Post Idea Generator. It’s user-friendly, 100% free, and completely customizable. Check out these exciting use cases that will convince you to start experimenting with it today!

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